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Larry didn't get back until 3 in the morning, and that was when Laurent went up to his room to sleep.

He wasn't drunk or anything, neither did he say anything to Laurent as he went to his room, dragging himself tiredly.

By 7:50 that morning, Laurent went to work.

"I'll drive you, Sir," Felix offered, as Laurent walked out of the house, fully dressed.

"Non, merci. You should stay back and look after Larry. Have you seen him this morning? Is he okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Oh yes! Mr Bourgeois is fine. He'll be at work later in the day for a meeting," Felix answered, making Laurent sigh in relief.

"Okay,"Laurent nodded. "See you later."

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you, Sir? It'll just take a few minutes."

"It is okay. Merci, Felix. Have a good day," Laurent waved and took off.

Finding a cab wasn't hard. Larry lived in a rich area and there was a taxi park just outside the estate.

When he got to the company, he said hello and good morning to his colleague as he strolled to his section.

Jane looked up, perceiving a whiff of his perfume. Larry had bought it for him the day they had gone shopping.

"Hey, Lau," She smiled up at him.

"Morning, Jane. How are you?"

"Fine. You look drained, are you okay?" She observed.

Laurent shook his head as he took a sit. "Last night was non a joke!"

"What'd you mean?"

"The deal."

"Oh," Jane nodded in realization. "He must have taken it very badly."

"Very badly does non cover it! It was insane! Larry almost for loose it!" Laurent said sadly. "He make me for worry so much."

"That deal was a lot. I was positive we would get it because of the work all the teams put into it plus how hard Mr Bourgeois had worked. I was certain and then... I don't know how it happened- how we lost it," Jane said shaking her head, her face pulled in confusion.

Laurent sighed. "I want Larry for be okay. I hate for see him like this."

"It's not that easy."

"Dieu! I know! Of course it is non easy, after all he put in it. But I just saying, yeah? I non want him for be like this. It just make me... it just... I non happy."

"It's fine. Okay?"

Laurent hesitated but eventually nodded in acceptance.

"Now, let's get to work!" Jane cheered, enthusiastically.

Work carried on fine and soon, Larry came, as cheerful as never before. He joked with the employees and even told Laurent 'You're working well'. That lifted Laurent's spirit. Maybe he was over the deal. He was almost sure that there were many other deals that were worth the one Larry had lost, that he had to focus on instead of crying over spilled milk and letting the one in the fridge to expire.


Larry was in a good mood despite loosing a huge deal, and Laurent wanted to take advantage of that.

Maybe he could do something that would make Larry soft towards him.

So, during lunch break as the workers piled to the cafeteria to eat. Laurent had ordered for takeout, and it arrived just in time.

"Ooh, take out?" Jane teased.

Laurent chuckled. "Yeah. I'll be right back."

Picking up the bags from his table, Laurent walked to Larry's office.

Without knocking, he opened the door and stepped into the door.

The gasp that left Laurent's mouth had Larry leaning away from the dude he was sucking faces with. Larry looked very relaxed, and not like someone who had just been in a position that could lead to major scandal!

"You don't know how to knock?" Larry asked calmly, walking away from the guy and going to the other side of the desk to lean on it.

The other guy was in suit. He looked Mexican or Spanish with long black hair, and Laurent was sure he wasn't a worker at Larwares. He hadn't seen him before.

"Uh.. I- I- I-" Laurent couldn't make out sensible words. What had he just seen?

Larry raised a brow, then looked down at Laurent's hands. "Is that for me?"

"Uh... Y-yes. I-I.."

Larry nodded, a smile forming on his face, then nodded at the dude. "Ve por eso."

"Èl se parece mucho a ti," The man responded. Why were they speaking alien language. Laurent couldn't understand what they were saying but the guy walked over and grabbed the bags from him.

"Suficiente, Francis," Larry said to the dude, then turned to Laurent. "Thank you. You may leave."

Laurent staggered away, but before then caught a glimpse of Larry taking his guest's hand, pulling him and shoving him against the table.

"Hablas demasiado!" Larry growled.

Laurent was scarred! What had he just seen!?

Fifty Shades of Larry (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now