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Laurent's fingers drummed ceremoniously against the desk. With every little sound he heard, he'd peek to check if Larry was coming out of his office.

45 minutes ago, he had experienced a feeling and a moment he had never in his 29 years of existence experienced. No one had made him feel so good to the extent of bringing tears to his eyes and making his legs wobble.

Forget the intimate moment. Larry had tugged at his heart strings and Laurent was sure what he was feeling for Larry wasn't just lust. It was more. Maybe not love -for now- but he felt closer and more comfortable with Larry.

Many people would feel embarrassed or nervous in this moment, but not him. That was before- before he confirmed his little crush on Larry. Then he had always been nervous around Larry, scared of appearing before him and walking on eggshells so as not to fuck up. But after what they had just done, he wanted to be with Larry more than anything. He had been disappointed when Larry had dismissed him to get back to work. He didn't want to leave Larry's embrace, it had been welcoming and peaceful and he wanted to be there for all of eternity. But Larry was a busy man, he had important contracts to sign and Laurent understood.

By the way, Larry had reassured him it wasn't the end. He had kissed Laurent passionately and hungrily before sending him off.

"Don't go home without me," Larry had whispered in his ear, before placing a last kiss on his cheek and turning to head back to his position, behind his big expensive desk.

Laurent smiled from ear to ear. Who knew coming to America was going to be as exciting as it was rewarding. He was getting paid a whole lot, plus he was getting some on the side. God must love him way too much.

The day went by slowly -slower than ever. And Laurent sat behind his little desk, signing people in and out of Larry's office, envying every one of them that walked through that door to see Larry. He had wanted to go in there and pretend to fill Larry's jug of coffee or to pick a file, but he couldn't test his chances. He rather not. He would patiently -excruciatingly patiently- wait until the office closed before he could be with Larry.

Finally, by 5:30, everyone had started to vacate the office. Laurent had been in another room where his colleague, Patricia, was talking about her 24th birthday party the next Friday night.

"You must come, Laurent," She said, putting her things into her fancy purse.

"Yes yes, must," Angela added, smiling softly at Laurent. She too was packing up and fixing her desk for the night.

"You say night? I non really a partying-at-night kind of guy, you know?"

"How about the company party? But you showed up." Patricia puckered her lips, feigning sad.

Laurent turned to Angela. "That's because you tell me its mandatory."

"So is this one," Angela laughed.

"Yeah?" Laurent chuckled. "Is the boss going for curb my ass for the streets?"

Angela had walked around and went to stand in front of Laurent. Picking up his collar, she made a move towards him, eyeing his lips that were inches from her.

"No, not the boss. He doesn't have what it take to curb asses but I do." Her voice was sultry and full of lust. Laurent read every bit of want in her.

Forcing a smile, he gripped her wrists, and gently placed them against her sides before he moved to the door.

"Non worry, Patricia. I be there... For you."

Patricia's eyes lit up. "Wonderful! Don't forget my gift."

Laurent nodded. "I non forget it. I have for go now. See you tomorrow."

Patricia waved at him. "Night, Laurent."

"Good night, Pat." Then he turned to Angela. "Good night, Angela."

"Nighty, Lau," Angela said, her left eye shutting swiftly in a wink.

Laurent drummed on the door due to her awkward gesture before turning around and slipping out of it.

Shoving his hands into his trouser pockets, he made his way to his office. Surely, Larry would be finished by now and they would go home together.

Laurent's lips lifted up in a smile at the thought of spending more time with Larry. He had to occasionally scold himself that he had to also focus on work but he had not experienced a feeling like this with anyone, so focusing on work was going to be kindof hard for him to do.

Laurent strolled to his table to pack his things and then head to Larry's office, but caught sight of a neatly folded piece of paper on his desk.

Picking it up, he let his eyes shift to Larry's door.

So, they were passing notes now huh? He thought to himself. Feeling his insides swell with excitement.

He unfolded the paper and started to make his way to Larry's office as he read the paper.

Go home without me, I had to rush somewhere.

Laurent's smile fell and disappointment washes through him as he stopped walking and paused in the centre of the room. He continued reading-

Sorry, Lau! I'll make it up to you,
how about a special dinner? xx

How annoying! Laurent sulked.

Yet, how cute! He chuckled, hiding his mouth in his hands. Trapping his lips in his teeth, Laurent tried to imagine what the special dinner could consist of. And every meal that came to him mind, he was ready to devour.


Sorry it came a few days later than I promised. I've been trying to work certain aspects of my life now. My life is in a mess and I'm constantly confusing dates now... Sorry guys. I'm not certain about my next update but I'll update in no time, hopefully.

So, tell me what you sincerely think about this book so far and what you expect!😀

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