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30k reads came at chapter 30, so here's another update in appreciation ❤💚 thank you!!



On Monday morning, Laurent sat behind his desk going through Larry's schedule for the day when his phone rang on the desk.

Picking it up, he saw it was his mother. He smiled and answered it, bringing the phone to his ear.

"Mama, " He called.

"Baby, how are you?"

"Bien. Bonjour. How are you?" He leaned back into the chair, swiveling carefreely?

"I'm okay. And your cousin?"

Laurent smiled faltered. He bit his lip and rubbed his head. He hadn't seen Larry since Saturday afternoon, at the Police station. "Fine. How is home? Marcus and the rest, they back for Easter?"

"Marcus will be coming in two days. That was why I called. Are you coming home for Easter, Laurent?"

Laurent sighed. He had thought about it, considered going home for Easter and to see his mother, but he feared Larry would see him as not serious with his job that was why he was reluctant about the idea. "I non think so, mama. We so busy at work and Larry is trying for close a huge deal."

"He can close it by himself. Come home, baby, I miss you."

"Me too, Mama." His heart ached at her words. He was all she had. He knew she missed him so much, just as he missed her. "But I am his assistant. He needs me."

Laurent could feel her frown. But he could not do anything. Larry made him feel unsettled sometimes. He would be cheerful one minute and snappy the next, his mood swung just like turning the light switch off and on.

"I am your mama. I need you too."

"Then why you send me for work here in America. This is my job, mama. Just because Larry is my cousin non mean I can come home whenever you want. He is my boss. This is his company, okay? This non work like that." He said irritated. "I non know if I going for come back. If I can, I will. But I can non, Easter is just 3 days, I go for spend it here."

There was a pause. Laurent knew his mother had been saddened by his outburst, but he had only told her the truth. Cousins or not, Larry owned a company, one that required attention 24/7. He could not just leave based on the account of his mother missing him. In fact, knowing Larry, he would never let Laurent leave for that reason.

"Mama, relax, okay?" He finally spoke, calmly. "I going for speak with Larry later." If he chose to come to work or home. "I going for ask him for a few days, so I can come home and see you. Okay? Non be sad. I miss you too, a lot."

He heard her sniff. She was crying. "Okay, baby. Take care of yourself. I hope he lets you come home to me. Or I can ask his mother to-"

"Non! Non do that. Non ask his mama anything, please. I talk for him myself," He protected.

"Why not? She can help talk to him."

"Mama, just non call her. Leave it for me. Okay?"


After she hung up, Laurent was spun in a web of various thoughts. Speaking to Larry about going to France was the newest and the most disturbing. He had no idea how to go about it or how Larry would react to it. But he was going to, at least, try.

Laurent did not understand why he still had to feel nervous when he thought about having a conversation with Larry. After the moments they had shared together, he was supposed to feel as free as a bird but Larry had put up this wall, that he only let down when Laurent was naked. But as long as he was clothed and Larry was not feeling vulnerable, he became a dictator, an unapproachable arrogant inconsiderate boss.

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