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Laurent pulled the blanket over him, tugging it under his armpit as he relaxed his head on the soft cushion of his silk pillow.

A tired yawn escaped his mouth, his eyes fluttering.

The evening had been a hell of a laugh with Lena. She was a funny young woman whom he noticed spoke her mind the way she felt it.

At first, he had been afraid when he had seen her with Larry. Having seen Larry in compromising positions in the past it was natural for him to think she was one of his girls. Imagine the relief he felt when he found out they were just friends.

In fact, finding out they were just friends had made him like her more. He had realized she posed no threat and so, had been very open-minded with her.

In a way, she reminded him of Jane, Larry's main assistant who was on maternity leave.

Laurent had been slowly drifting to sleep when his door cracked open, sending a thin trail of light from the hall towards his bed. He squinted and caught the towering slim figure of Larry.

"Babe, are you asleep?" Larry asked, shutting the door and making his way over to the bed.

"Non," Laurent answered. He pulled the blanket, letting room for Larry to slide in next to him before he pulled it over Larry too.

Larry settled in next to him, face-to-face. Laurent couldn't see his face, but he could feel Larry's warm minty breath fan his face.

"Hey," Larry whispered.

Laurent smiled. He whispered too. "Hey."

Larry's hand touched Laurent's cheek, caressing it softly. "So, Lena likes you."

"I like her too."

Larry chuckled softly. "Oh yeah? Well, she says you're better looking than I am."

Laurent swallowed. That was a lie. "It's non true."

"Shut up. It's the truth. You're more handsome than I am. You're taller, firmer," he gripped Laurent's thick bicep, "sexier, sweeter, kinder."

"Larry—" Laurent began to protest, but instead he sighed.

"Hold me," He requested.

Laurent put his arms around Larry, pulling him against his body. The weather was cool, plus the air conditioner was turned on. And neither of them wanted to turn it off.


Larry hummed in response, fingering Laurent's fro slowly, delicately.

"Uhm... Easter is in 4 days and..." His voice trailed off. His mother's face flashed in his face. He couldn't begin to contain how hurt and disappointed she wouls be if he didn't go home.

"Yeah? Do you want us to do something?" Larry asked, cajoling him.

"Actually, I want for spend it in France with my mama."

Larry went totally still. Laurent could feel the tension. He shut his eyes, waiting for the worse.


"My Mama. I know it's unprofessional of me but I miss her."

There was a short pause.


"For Easter. I'm just going for spend a few days and come back. I know she is lonely and—"

"Okay. You can go."

"Really? You're non mad?" Laurent asked shocked.

"No, I'm not."

"Merci beaucoup, Larry!" Laurent peppered kisses on Larry's face happily. He couldn't wait to share the news with his mother.

Or better still, he couldn't wait to surprise her.


"So, you're going to France for the Holidays?" Lena asked the moment Laurent walked into the Kitchen.

Laurent stopped walking. He blinked at the lady in the middle of the room, stirring a coffee. "Lena."

Her lips broke apart and formed a big grin. "Good morning, handsome."

"Morning. Why you up so early?" He asked and made his way to the fridge, opening it. He hunched over and skimmed through.

"I'm an early bird," She chirped, flopping on a high stool. "What about you, why are you up so early?"

"Early worm."

She chuckled silently.

"How was you night?" Grabbing a bottle of water, stood up straight, shut the fridge and leaned against it.

"Always a pleasure to sleep in the King-sized bed," She said.

"Same here," Laurent said truthfully causing Lena to laugh. He uncocked the water and downed the content in seconds.

Lena watched him with all interest as his throat worked. She smiled fondly, then looked down at her coffee. "Are you really not spending Easter here?"

Laurent turned to her. She had a small smile on but her expression read that she was serious with her question. So, he nodded. "I'm going for France."

"Larry's pretty disappointed, you know. He wanted you to spend Easter with him."

"Did he tell you that?"

Lena shook her head.

Of course, Larry mustn't have said that, Laurent thought, disappointedly.

"He didn't say, but he showed."

Laurent's brows furrowed. "I non..." he shook his head. "understand."

Lena exhaled, her shoulders slouching. "Larry is more of a shower than a teller. He rarely expresses his emotions through words. Instead, he shows it. Haven't you noticed it?"

Laurent understood her then. He had not only noticed it but mastered it. He had begun to try to read Larry's expressions rather than wait for his words.

"But he say he was okay with me traveling."

Lena shrugged. "I guess he doesn't want to hurt your feelings."

But even if Larry had asked him to stay back, would he really? He loved Larry but he had promised Mama. He missed her too.

"I can non stay here for Easter. I have for go."

"Of course, you should. It's your family, right?"

There was a slight hesitation from him. "Y-yeah." But Larry was family too.

Filler chapter.

Another update soon 💚

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