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Laurent's feet continuously slapped the floor subconsciously as his heart raced a thousand miles. His fingers combed through his hair detangling and tangling the dark locs.

Larry had been in his office for the longest hour on the conference call with the same company that had turned away his contract, broken his heart and made him into an ass a while ago.

For Larry's sake, Laurent prayed they reassign the contract back to Larry. He wanted to see Larry happy and satisfied, that was all that mattered to him.

A happy Larry meant everyone would be happy. Whenever Larry was angry, Laurent always felt repulsed because Larry treated him like shit and it made him feel so small and inferior. An unhappy Larry equalled to a depressed, confused and frustrated Laurent. Whereas a happy Larry equalled a happy Laurent.


Laurent picked his head up and looked up to see Felix. He straightened up from his slouched posture.

Felix briefly skimmed the wristwatch on his wrist. "It's almost 1am, Sir. I think you should go to bed."

Laurent nodded. "Non worry about me, Felix. I wait."

"But, Sir, the meeting could take more hours. You never know when Mr Bourgeois would round off."

"It's okay. However long, I wait." He wanted to be there to celebrate with Larry if all went well.

Felix opened his mouth to talk again but shut it when Laurent looked away from him indicating his mind was already made up.

Felix pursed his lips into a thin smile, bowing to Laurent before walking off.

Laurent crossed his leg atop the other, eyeing the door to the hallway. He was feeling nervous.

Picking up the remote control, he surfed through the channels, two of his favourite movies were showing on different channels yet he felt the least obliged to settle for anyone. His mind and consciousness were far apart.

He could already see himself hurt if Larry got rejected the second time by the same company. That would be just painful! Why did they even have to call if they were going to turn him down? Why didn't they just shove the stupid contract up their asses and screw themselves with it if they would just flaunt it in Larry's face and then walk with it.

Laurent wasn't certain whether or not Larry got the contract but if he did, shouldn't he have been out for a long time?

Laurent got to his feet, hands shoved in his pocket while chewing the insides of his cheek. He paced the living room occasionally looking towards the hallway.

He said countless short prayers for Larry to come out with goodnews. It would mean the world and more if Larry were happy.

"Please, God. Please, God," He mumbled with his eyes briefly closed.

When Larry eventually came out, Laurent was back to sitting on the couch, this time his head was buried in his hands, from worry and drowsiness.

He heard a soft, "Lau," causing him to look up.

Larry stood near the door, hands in the pockets of his sweats; looking just as handsome as always.

"Larry," Laurent called, scrambling to his feet.

There was a heavy silence in the room and Laurent was dying to know what Larry was feeling. His eyes searched his face but Larry's expression gave up nothing.

Laurent was curious; nervous. Was he okay?

"Larry," He breathed out.

Larry strolled over to him, increasing his pace as he got closer, before snaking his hand around Laurent's waist to his back in a hug.

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