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It was enough that Larry had left Laurent unsatisfied the previous night, but for him to be ignoring Laurent, that was a whole different annoying thing to Laurent.

Since that morning, his heart hadn't taken a break from pacing and jabbing against his chest in nervous, and despite that he had tried to be casual with Larry but Larry was never even looking at him. They had been to 2 meetings, had been in the same car 6 times for a long period and all along Larry's head was either buried in his iPad or he was reading a never ending 1 paged document or he was leaning against the glass of the car, eyes shut but fingers making short and quick movements every once in a while.

It was more than frustrating for Laurent because if there is anyone who should be initiating the ignoring, it should him, Laurent not Larry at all. Larry was playing him like volleyball, tossing his heart, feelings and reasonings about like he was in a tournament. He shouldn't be the one trying to talk to Larry, trying to explain why he had seduced him, left him in the middle - or probably really close to his climax - then acted like nothing had happened. Like Laurent didn't exist.

It was hurtful. More annoying than hurtful actually.

Laurent's eyes wandered to Larry's door as he sat on his sit, leaning on the table. What was Larry doing? Laurent couldn't help but wonder. They were back in the office and it was just slightly past end of lunch break.

His mind drifted to Larry who was just a few metres behind the closed door. Was he working on his computer? Writing on his notepad like he always did whenever he had an idea. The thought made Laurent chuckle a little. Larry always had the cutest look on his face whenever he was trying to remember something. His face would be pulled into a grimace, lips trapped in his teeth, his eyes squinted while his hand would be folded into a fist. It was as much the hottest look.

Was Larry thinking of him too? Was he pacing about in his office thinking of how to make it right? Maybe he was thinking about the previous night? Did he feel as good as Laurent felt? Did Laurent affect him just the way he had affected Laurent? Was Laurent capable of affecting Larry?

Laurent's head was flooding with questions and questions that he was dying to know the answers to. But how would he know it if he didn't ask, yet he was too nervous to ask.

Was he even over thinking all of this with Larry?  Larry might not think anything to it.

God! Why did he always have to be the stupid one getting his head all fucked up in a game? Larry didn't like him. He didn't even want him. He only wanted Laurent to see how powerful and sexual was. He just wanted to show Laurent how far his skills expanded to. He was indirectly trying to brag!

"Mon dieu! Mon dieu! Just stop, Laurent," Laurent scolded himself, hitting himself in the head for his crazy thoughts. His head was so full of shit and contradictions.

Rubbing a hand down his face, Laurent revolved a 90° to the left and them to the right on his rotating seat.

Back to work-

Laurent's sudden work enthusiasm was cut off by the telephone ringing on the desk. He quickly rushed for it. Jane had specifically warned him to never keep a client waiting even on phone.

"Hello, you have reached Larwares. How can I help you?" He said, imitating what he had heard every employee say on phone.

"Oh yeah, by coming to my office now."

Laurent's eyes bulged. Larry.

"O-oh, of course." As Laurent slammed the receiver to the telephone, his heart raced. He had thought it was a client! Well, obviously it wasn't.

He had to comport himself, he couldn't make a fool of himself now.

He let his hands brush his clothes as he got on his feet. He was in a professional environment, even if Larry had been an annoying person for the whole of the day, he had to understand Larry was the boss and he was just a worker. No more, no less.

Laurent strolled over, slowly, wasting as much time as possible.

Finally, Laurent realized he still had to talk to Larry at one point in time so he walked into the office, after knocking and being asked to come in.

"U-uh, you send for me," Laurent stuttered, standing in the centre of the room.

Larry nodded, eyes scanning him from head to toe. It was hard not to feel intimidated by such gaze, and Laurent could feel Larry's eyes on him like laser.

"Yes, please sit."

Laurent did as he was told, sitting across the table from Larry who was still feeding his eyes on him like a predator who slowly yet intently watched his prey approach, oblivious of the predator's motive.

It felt like ages and Larry wasn't saying anything. Laurent let his eyes wander to and away from Larry who enjoyed seeing the other so uneasy and nervous.

Larry took in a sharp breathe. He reached for his pocket, getting out a key and unlocking his drawer. Laurent watched him take out a folder and then slid it over to him.

"W-what is this?" Laurent asked, looking at the black binded file that had the words 'confidential' printed on it.

"It's a contract."

"A contract?" Laurent picked up the file, letting his eyes look from Larry to the file and then back to Larry. "For me? Are you promoting me?"

Larry sat out, his arms leaning atop the table. "Something like that. It's a rare position and a lot of people want it, but I'm willing to give that position to you."

Laurent's heart swelled. "Me?" His lips broke into a smile. "Why? I just start for work here a few months, Larry."

"I find you very interesting, Laurent. And I'm dying to work on that," Then he pointed at the file. "Go through that first."

What was the point!? He was getting promoted and that was all that mattered! More income, a higher position! He didn't care what the file contained but just to show he was professional, Laurent nodded and opened the file.

The first page was okay, just stating he wasn't allowed to share the information of the contract with anyone, no matter what blah, blah, blah he knew all of those stuff.

"Larry, I no have for-"

"Just read it," Larry cajoled, his eye unblinking from Laurent.

Laurent nodded and turned the next page. The first sentence knocked him dead. Like dead in the mouth and in the mind and in his life.

Laurent's eyes left the book and shifted to the ground. His throat went dry.


"By promotion, you no mean work?"

Larry looked at him, his lower lip trapped in his teeth. Larry's eyes were hidden, lustful, wanting... Laurent was almost drawn by it, but presently he was irritated.

"I no a slut," Laurent said, his words hidden behind pain and disappointment.


"I said I no a slut, Larry."


Oh dear Laurent there is a slut in everyone, you just haven't harnessed yours yet 😂

I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting!!

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