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Laurent had barely slept all through the night. Angela had tossed about groaning and whimpering. He had assumed she had been having nightmares.

Three times he had had to wake her up from her dreams and she would bolt up looking terrified. Then she would cling to him until she fell asleep and yet again get submerged into a horrible dream.

The routine had gone on all night until she finally settled down by 4:38 am. Her breathing became normal and her body relaxed.

To be honest, he had been a little scared of the whole thing. He had never had to deal with such before but what he knew was, Angela was in a very vulnerable state and she needed help. He wasn't sure whose help though.

By past 6, the lady woke up when Laurent had taken a shower with the horrible smelling shower gel. He was sliding on his sneakers when she yawned, sitting upright.

She looked like someone who hadn't slept a wink when actually that was Laurent. There were visible dark circles around her eyes and she looked drained.

For a moment, she didn't say anything. Her head fell and Laurent could tell she was embarrassed with how she used a hand to cover her face.

He spoke up, "You going for work this morning?"

Angel raised her head. "I have to."

"Non. You non look fit for go today. Take the day off."

"Mr. Bourgeois won't like that very much. He's really dead on punctuality and efficiency."

"Non when you look like you're going for pass out any minute," he said. "Look, I talk with Larry. I sure he non mind. And if he does, I offer to work your work the day."

A small smile crept on Angela's lips. She cocked her head to the side, resting it on her shoulder, her hand stretched back on the bed. "You don't know a thing about what I do."

He shrugged. "I learn," he said eagerly. "I ask you team members for teach me."

He was sweet. Really sweet, but Angela didn't want to cause any harm to her job and to his also. "I can't. I just..." She trailed on, unable to find words to portray her feelings.

Laurent slapped his hands on his thighs and got to his feet. He walked to the bed and took a sit on it, in front of Angela.

"I can non let you go for work today." Not with what he had experienced last night. "You have for stay here and rest. Non forever. At least, until you feel better."

Angela looked on the verge of protesting but Laurent shook his head for her not to.

"Larry will non be a problem, I promise."

* * * *

Larry swallowed hard. "So, where were you?"

"With her," Laurent answered truthfully. "She needed my help. I had for stay with her."

"Why? You're not the Police."

"What the Police going for do about it anyway? By the way, I non plan for it for happen. It was the first thing that come for my mind."

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