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"Larry have a visitor?" Laurent asked, after 10 minutes of recollecting himself.

Jane looked up at him from her plate of food by her desk. "Yeah, Mr. Francis. Why?"

Laurent shook his head. "Non.. Nothing."

Why was he sucking faces with Mr. Francis?

"Laurent!" Jane called snapping him from his thoughts.


"Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost."

"Huh? Oh. Non," Laurent forced a smile. "Non worry about me."

Jane gave him a doubting look but dropped it. "So, is he eating the food?"

"He have a visitor, so maybe later." Maybe never.

Whatever! Laurent thought. Larry was a big boy plus he was accomplished. What he did with his life shouldn't concern him. What concerned Laurent was other workers seeing that. He hoped no one would though.

As the day rounded up, Larry's guest, Mr. Francis, as Jane had called him, left Larry's office. Laurent didn't stop looking at him as he exited the place. He had so much class and Laurent was amazed. Larry practically had him around his fingers like a little bitch. Laurent guessed this seeing how dominant Larry had acted with him earlier.

As the day eventually came to an end, Laurent didn't wait behind for Larry.

"Sure. You go on ahead," Larry said as usual working on his laptop.

Laurent nodded and started to pull out of the doom.

"Hey, Lau-"

"Yes?" Laurent turned immediately.

"Look, about earlier.. What you saw-"

"Non worry about that. What you do with you life is up to you. I non have any business with it."

Larry raised a brow at Laurent. "Just making sure. Leave."

Laurent slipped out sharply.


The company driver took Laurent home and once he was in the shower, he sank into the tub filled with water and stayed for the longest period.

His thoughts ran back to the events of the day. He couldn't stop thinking and seeing everything. The way Larry had been kissing Mr Francis. The way one of his hand gripped onto his waist and the other had tugged and pulled at his hair. It screamed possession! Then when he had walked in, Larry had acted so calm. He hadn't even pulled away in a hurry but calmly and how he used one hand to brush down Mr Francis hair, before walking over and leaning on the table.

Why did he carry so much charisma that was enough to make a person go crazy! And his eyes, those piercing brown orbs that could stare holes into a person's soul, they were just as captivating as intimidating. You would be torn between wanting to drown into them for the rest of your life or looking down in fear.

His legs in those-

Laurent shook his head, trying to shake of the thoughts of Larry's body. What was he doing thinking about his cousin! Not just that but about his sex life and not in a caring way but in an anxious, curious way!

Laurent hurriedly washed up and went to dress up.

He had to get his head straight and away from thoughts of Larry. It was super weird to think about Larry! To think about his body! To imagine him with Mr Francis, on top of him and pushing hard and deep inside his ass, while Mr Francis called him master.

Was Larry even into kinks? He looked like he would be. He gave off this master, dominant vibe, whenever he spoke and walked, and even when he was silent and sat.

"Master.." Laurent mumbled, imagining calling Larry while he pounded into him.

His eyes fluttered shut and his teeth went to trap his lips as his head got clouded. Larry on top of him, riding him with his big cock, slapping his ass while Laurent cried for him to go faster- to fuck him bad and hard and make him cum 4 times. While all the time, he would be kissing Larry's soft, reddish lips and sucking on his tongue and-

"Fuck! Non! Mon Dieu, non!" Laurent ran a hand through his head.

What had he just imagined with Larry?! He was going insane! He was going mental!

He couldn't think that way about Larry! Larry had Mr Francis! Plus he wasn't fond of Laurent, at all! To top it all, they were cousins!!

Laurent proceeded to fall on his knees to pray and ask for forgiveness for thinking that way about his cousin that had helped him greatly by bringing him to America to work in his company, when he looked down and realized he had a much bigger situation to handle at that moment than praying.

Fifty Shades of Larry (On Hold)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora