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Laurent reluctantly dried his body, applying his body cream before changing into the clothes that were laid on his bed.

He didn't want to go. He didn't like parties, never went to any back home and to add salt to his injury this time around, the host hated him. He might as well just take off the clothes and stay back.

But Angela hadn't stopped texting and calling him since the time had struck 3:30. It was currently 5:45pm and as he wore his perfume, his phone rang again.

How did she get his number? Not like he minded his colleague having his phone number, he just wanted to know how come, at least he hadn't given her neither had she asked him.

Laurent picked up his ringing phone and connected the call.

"What's up? I'm on my way," Laurent said, rushing to wear his shoes.

"Laurent, are you sure you're coming? I've been waiting."

"I promise, I'm leaving the house right now. Okay?"

"Okay, I'm waiting."

"See you soon," Laurent said hanging up, a huge sigh leaving his mouth.

Angela was the only reason he was attending.

Laurent soon left the room and headed downstairs, Larry was in the living room, dressed and fixing the sleeve of his shirt.

"Hi," Laurent said and proceeded to leave the house.

"Are you going to the party now?" Larry asked.


Larry nodded. "Okay. Tell Felix to drop you off. I'm going for a brief business date."

"No, thanks. I'll find my way."

"Okay," Larry nodded and walked away.

Laurent shook his head. This wasn't suppose to be happening. They were family, not first and second wives fighting for their husband's attention. But if Larry chose to keep looking down on him, what else could he do?


Surprisingly, the party turned out great. It was fun seeing everybody having fun and outside of their work mood. They all looked like they needed it and were having so much fun.

"Do you need another drink?" Laurent asked, seeing that Angela's glass was empty.

Angela smiled at him, batting her long artificial lashes. "You're such a gentleman. Thank you."

Laurent nodded, grabbing her glass from her. "I'll be back."

Laurent made his way over to the makeshift bar, sweeping his way through the crowd of people already dancing in the dimly lit hall.

"Please a refill," He gave the glasses to the bartender.

Laurent let his eyes scan the area.

The time was past 9 and Larry was nowhere to be found. He had only seen him earlier when Larry had arrived, then looked away briefly and Larry was gone.

Maybe he had gone home, Laurent thought. He hadn't even told him. Well, it wasn't his fault. Laurent had been refusing all the rides to and from work, maybe Larry thought it unnecessary to ask since he'd probably get turned down.

"Here you go, Sir."

Laurent picked up the glasses. "Thank you."

As Laurent made his way over to his table, he heard his name being called over the loud music.

He turned around and found the team leader making his way over, hurriedly.


"Yes?" Laurent went to meet him halfway.

"Larry is.." He was panting heavily. "I had to come get you ASAP."

"Larry, what?" Laurent asked.

"Larry's wasted."

"Wasted? As in dead?!"

"What, no! I mean wasted drunk!"

"Oh, drunk.. Yeah? Where is he?"

"In his office. I have to rush home now. Go take him home. Okay?"

Laurent nodded. "Yeah, of course. But I have for give this for Angela. She ask-"

"I'll take this, now go before he does something stupid."

Laurent nodded and rushed away. How could Larry get so drunk that his employee would be so worried? What was he thinking? How many people had seen him.

Oh God! His workers would laugh at him by morning, Laurent thought. But he doubted many of them would remember the event of the night. They were all almost drunk.

Larry was a big boy. He had to get his shit together, especially at the company.

Laurent soon got to his office and shut the door behind him. Team leader must have switched off the light so no one would know he's in there.

"Larry," Laurent called walking into the dark room.

The place was quiet and Laurent didn't want to turn on the big chandelier, so he carried himself to Larry's desk where there was usually a lamp.

"Larry?" Laurent called before turning on the light.


Laurent jumped in fear as he felt a hand on his neck. "Oh my God!"

It was Larry.

"Hi," Larry said.

"I come for get you."

Larry laughed, swaying from side to side, unable to stay still. "I'm flattered. I can't forget you too, Lau."

"What? I non-"

"You non what? I love when you say non in place of not or no or even don't."

"Larry you no- uh.. You.."

"I non, what? Come on say it. Say non," Larry teased.

"Let's go home," Laurent, though with a racing heart, attempted to swing Larry's hand over his neck, only to be shoved on the desk. "L-La-La-"

"What?" Larry smirked, pinning Laurent to the table.

"Larry, what are you doing?"

Larry shrugged. "Your lips..."

Laurent gulped. Larry's eyes were fixed his lips, his own lower lip trapped in his mouth as he leaned into Laurent.

Larry's breathe smelt of alcohol and cigarette.

Laurent tried to break free. He was shaking at their position. He was laying halfway on the desk, with Larry's groin pressed into his. There was no way what he was feeling against his crotch wasn't Larry's shaft- hard shaft.

Laurent gulped. He was going to regret this if he let it happen. Larry was messing with his head. "Larry, you drunk. You non-"

"Oh yes baby," Larry's hand went to tuck Laurent's twisted strands behind his ear. "I non what? You sound so fucking sexy, baby."

"Please Larry. No- you can no- Please non do this."

Larry's eyes deepened, darkened as a growl left his mouth and soon Laurent's world was crashing as Larry's wet lips crashed with his.


So, short chapters regularly it is 😊 but this chapter isn't exactly short, so both sides won, amirite?

Anyways, please vote and COMMENT!

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