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"Sir, Mr. Niro Called. He wants to schedule a meeting to look over your proposal again. I think this might be it, " Jane said, managing a small smile. She only hoped the news would make Larry happy. Would make him talk. But no.

Larry sat on his bed, his face as pale as someone who was suffering from a deadly disease. His head hung low, tiredly.

He had been that way all morning. It was depressing seeing him that way. Jane had lost ideas on what to do again.

Laurent wasn't coming either. He had hung up the phone on her when she had asked him to come over. She didn't know what was going on or whom this friend he was helping out was but she hoped Laurent made the right decision.

"Sir, " she called, attempting to try again. "You have to get better so we can schedule a-"

"To hell with them."

He spoke. That was the first thing he was saying to her. She had to make him talk more.

"I know it has been a frustrating year but I have faith that this time-"

"Go home, " he breathed out. "I'm not a baby. I don't need babysitting."

"I can't leave you. I won't leave you."

He sighed tiredly. "I'm tired, Jane. I'm very tired."

But Jane could see that the tiredness was deep-rooted. It was far beyond physical tiredness. Something was going on with Larry. Something that was slowly eating him.

She pulled her chair towards the bed. Her baby was home in the care of her loving husband who had asked her to hurry to look after her boss who had been nothing but generous and kind before and after the birth of her baby.

Jane had lost count on how many times Larry had wired money to her account. 'For the baby, ' he had said. And that was besides the usual leave and maternity allowance she had been paid.

Larry was never one who was too jovial or playful, he had his days of smiling and most times he was indifferent with a stoic look plastered on his face.

But this was different. Very. He was unhappy. He was sad. Obviously, suffering. And it was sad to see, yet not have any idea what to do to ease the situation.

She cupped his right hand in her hands. She didn't look at his face, her eyes were fixed on the white hospital gown that hung loosely on him. She swallowed, thickly. "Mr. Bourgeois, I don't know what you're going through, but I know you are going through something now. I want you to know that it's okay." She rubbed his hand. "It's fine. You will be okay. You will pull through stronger and better and I believe so."

When she brought her head up, his eyes were teary but she knew Larry, he would not let that tear roll in front of her. The muscles in his face had tightened.

"Mr. Bour-"

"Go. Go home to your family, Jane. I'm okay." He swallowed, turned his face to the other side.

Jane wondered if it was okay to leave him by himself, but it was clear he needed to be alone at that moment. She got to her feet.

"I'll be back. Take care of yourself."

When Jane left, Larry's tears fell.


Laurent barged through the doors, almost knocking down a nurse holding up a tray of syringes and capsules.

The nurse frowned at him. "Please, Sir, don't run in a hospital."

"So sorry!" He called.

"Wait- you're Larry Bourgeois, the billionaire, " she said, brows knitting in puzzlement.

Fifty Shades of Larry (On Hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें