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"Is everything okay, Sir?" Felix asked catching the look on Larry's face.

"Get the keys."

"Where are we headed, Sir?"

"Just get the fucking keys, Felix!" Larry snapped at the older man who started and rushed away to do as he was commanded.

Larry's chest heaved heavily in anger. He could almost taste his heart in his mouth and could hear it thud in his throat. He shut his eyes and clenched his fists in an attempt to suppress his emotions to the minimal.

Felix got the car started, not daring to go and inform Larry about it. When Larry walked out of the house, it was obvious from his long, careless strides and the scowl on his face that he was pissed about something.

But then, Felix had learned his lessons not to ask questions. He cared for Larry. He wanted the best for him, but he wouldn't dare risk his job. He had way too many responsibilities to take care of to be playing the overcaring butler.

Felix drove the car out of the large compound and headed towards the highway. Larry had yet to tell him where they were headed. But still, he didn't ask. If the young man didn't tell him, he would have to head for the office.

"Francis' place, " Larry mumbled from behind.

Felix must have heard wrong. He looked through the rear mirror at Larry. Larry's head was turned to the right as he stared out the window, deep in thought.


Larry didn't say anything. If he heard Felix, he didn't show it.

Francis' house it was, then.

Felix couldn't believe just how childish the two men were acting. They were like kids that needed a spanking. Earlier, Laurent had left the house in tears, not uttering a word to Felix, something he had never done before.

Then Larry came calling like a spoiled sulking kid, for him to take him to his silly lover's place. It was ridiculous.

Felix wondered if he was doing it to make Laurent jealous. He knew too well that Laurent was just being a good friend to Angela. He had seen very well the last time Angela had been to the house, how she had shamelessly thrown herself at Laurent.

Laurent had rejected her. He had been so mature, so polite, and had told her he wasn't the one for her. He knew Laurent would never be disloyal to Larry. He could vouch for Laurent. It was Larry who was the insecure one.

He was being very difficult. He was acting like Laurent had taken off with his lover and half Larry's net worth.

But then again, Felix understood. Why Larry was this way. He knew why he always seemed to be at war with everyone that as much as showed love to him. With himself. He knew why Larry seemed to be himself this moment, then a totally different person the next.

It was because of his past. Because of a costly mistake Larry had made. Because Larry didn't believe he deserved to be loved, to be happy. And Felix was so sorry for Larry.

* * * *

Francis opened the door and was shocked to see Larry. Larry hadn't been to his place in forever.

"Hey, " Larry said, brushing past him into the well-furnished duplex.

"What a surprise, " Francis said. "You never come over again."

"I know. I haven't gotten the chance to."

Francis nodded. "It's okay. How're you? You look unhappy."

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