Chapter 6 - The Boy Band Manual and Girls Bible

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You know sometimes I wish I was a marvel superhero so I could hulk smash the poopy out of my alarm.

Getting up, I went to brush my teeth but as I opened my mouth I noticed it was super red. Like super Mario red. I didn't even dare try and swallow because it would hurt almost as much as me not making a swallow and spit joke with that statement.

I threw on a pair of all black Vans, fish nets, ripped black skinnies, a plain long sleeve black t-shirt and a plaid scarf to keep my throat warm.

I checked the time and I ran downstairs, jumping on Matt in the process.

"Off into the sunset my trusty stead." I whacked his outer thigh with my foot causing him to drop me.

"Do that again and you're walking to school"

"Pffft, I have my own car. Besides you'd never let me walk to school"

"And why's that? Because you know I'll do it" he grabbed his keys off the counter while I grabbed left over pizza. I like my pizza cold like my heart.

"Because if I walked to school, I'd get wolf whistles and those dogs would be chasing a whole different kitty. If you know what I-"

"Please please please stop. Don't finish that sentence"

"I'm talking about my vaginaaaa" I screamed as I shoved more pizza into my mouth and walked out of the door.

Tyler had just pulled out of his driveway on his motorcycle wearing Ray bans and a leather jacket. He definitely fits the bad boy vibe. But to be fair, they all do.

At school Matthew and Tyler are a year above me. They're part of that 'imfamousdonttalktome' type of group. They get all the hoes. There's about six of them in the group, three of them being part of the pack.

It's obviously Matthew, Jarred and Tyler. The rest are Jake, Sam and Devan. Jake and Devan are vampires and Sam is a werewolf. They actually remind me of a boy band.

Matthew would be the lead singer with Jarred and Sam as back up vocals. Jarred would be the innocent lover boy all the girls swoon over but Sam would be the pantie dropper.

Tyler however would be someone to run a mafia. He's the badass all the girls wanna suck off and be sucked by. I wouldn't call him a manwhore because he doesn't hump and dump but use 'em and lose 'em as in using for blood. He plays hard to get and any girl would die just to get his attention which he likes.

Jake gives off that asshole impression but he's actually really nice if you get to know him. He hates being a vampire and feeds on animals instead, he's also the swoon worthy blonde haired boy but with coffee brown eyes.

Then you get the actual manwhore - Devan. He's like Tyler but an even worse influence. If giving no shits took on human form, it would be Devan entirely.

I however sit with the best people ever. My wifey Grace, my mistress Anne, my hot housewife Lucy and the group mothers Jeff and Nathan. Jeff is human and Nathan is a werewolf but likes things.. doggy style.

Grace is an upbeat ginger and never knows when to shut up, kinda like a kid you made snort cocaine. She could have all the cocaine in the world and her nose would still be in my business. Jokes though, she's naturally high on life.

Anne on the other hand is always lost in her world of books and has short neon yellow hair plus she always fiddles with her tongue ring. Fight with her and she'll hit you with that Asian persuasion.

Lucy is our groups wild child but never at school. At school she wouldn't dare show a bra strap but alone she'd rip the bra off her body and stuff it down your pants.

I obviously don't need an introduction because you've seen almost all I'm capable of. Almost, you haven't seen me commit murder yet.


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