Chapter Nine 🌊

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I hum softly as I rub my fingers through Ember's soft amber colored hair. I did not think that I would meet Vulcan's mother and sister. They seem nice and I would have to meet them soon anyway considering I will be moving in with him soon.  I am not surprised that his mother asked me to call her mama. My own momma calls fathers mother mama. Marina has started to pack her things, and will move in with her mate in a few days.

I want to wait until father and momma get here before I move in with my mate. I want them to see what my life has been like before meeting my mate. I know they have worried about me even after all I have did to reassure them that I am doing just fine. Yes, i have showed them pictures and a few videos of my life on the surface, but seeing it in person is another story.

"You have such lovely hair Ember, and I can tell that you take care of it. The weather is getting warmer now, does your hair dry up?" I ask as I feel the tips of her hair that seem a little dry.

Ember hums as she bends her head back to try and look at me. "Thank you and um it does not get dry now, usually in the winter," said Ember.

I smile at her as I nod my head, "Well you have some dead ends that we need to get rid of. Your hair getting dry in the winter is normal. The air in the winter is cold, and our hair loses its moisture".

Mama hums as she relaxes in her seat that is next to Vulcan, "Thank you for telling her that Avalon. I have told her that as well, but it is nice for teenagers to hear it from someone who is not their parent".

Ember rolls her eyes in the mirror, and I fight back a laugh. "I never said that I did not believe you mama, but I guess that makes sense after hearing it again," said Amber.

I am reminded of how I was with mother when I was a teenager. I had a similar attitude towards my mother, especially when she was so reluctant to allow me to attend school on the surface. Now, I am not saying that father was thrilled about it, but he believed that I could do it. He convinced mother, and we had a discussion before I left. They expected me to keep my grades up, not to get into trouble, and to contact either of them once a day. It was a reasonable compromise, and I would consider myself a person that tries to avoid trouble.

"Let's go wash your hair, and then I can start to cut it," I said as i turn my direction toward Vulcan, and mama. I have never seen him dressed so casual, but I will admit that he looks great in a t-shirt, and jeans. "Would you like something to drink while you wait? We have water, tea, coffee, and wine," I said.

"No thank you my mate I am fine for now," said Vulcan. He smiles at me, and my body shivers slightly when he calls me mate.

"No thank you Avalon. I had my caffeine for the morning during breakfast," said mama.

I walk Ember over to the small hair washing station that is in the back of the salon. I hand her a black robe to put on, and then have her sit down. Once her hair is tilted back I turn on the water, and let it hit my free hand. Once the temperature is warm enough I wet her hair. While the water hits her hair I grab a flower based shampoo that I use for thicker hair. I spirt on enough shampoo in my hand, and then massage it into her hair. After I wash her hair with shampoo and conditioner, I spray in a leave in conditioner into her hair. I wrap her hair in a towel, and then we walk back to my station.

I laugh when i walk back into the main room to see Jay dancing to some pop song that I do not recognize. Mia is sitting in Jayson's chair and is laughing as he sways his hips. I shake my head as I walk Ember back to my chair. When the salon is empty it is pretty common for us to play music and dance around. Jayson originally wanted to go to college to become a dancer, but he was injured in a car accident and that dream ended. He decided to become a hairdresser because his grandmother was one, and she would cut the family's hair before she passed.

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