5- Inspection

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"You want me to what now?"

The Headmaster sighs pushing up his glasses. "You are Yuki are to make your way to the Night dormitory for the annual inspection to see if everything's doing well. And I also want you to deliver this package of blood tablets to Kaname for me." I look at him dumb founded.

"Dude. Are you even hearing what you're saying? Me and Yuki are a huge no-no. Besides, why can't you make her do it? Tell Zero to go with her or something." He smiles shoving the package in my face.

"As a prefect of the Disciplinary committee it is your duty to fulfil this commandment otherwise I would give you the task of cleaning up horse feces before sunrise." My eyes twitch as I snatch the package from his grasp.

"Fine." I snap. "But don't blame me if your daughter returns with missing limbs and severed fingers."

Speaking of the devil, the mouse scurries into the room also making me want to squeeze her eyeballs out because she was practically eyeing me like I was going to snap and kill her.

"Ah, there's my favourite daughter!" The Head master grins running in for a hug but Yuki stepped to the side in time.

"I'm your only daughter." She mutters with a frown, I guess I'm not the only one ecstatic on going to inspect with my best friend.

"Must you always be mean to your dear father Yuki?" He wails before quickly composing himself. "Anyway, you are dismissed. I am hoping for good reports." Yuki nods hurriedly before walking out the door with me trailing a couple of steps behind her.

"I don't hate you." She spoke out of the blue. "Even if you torment me I won't hate you."

"Good to know." I smile before plugging my earphones into one of my ears.

The music distracted me from the drowsiness I was feeling lately, I didn't even need to take my sleeping pills because once I lay down on my bed I'm out like a deadman. Bags were visible under my eyes mainly because of the fact that my night terrors haunt me despite my need to sleep. Which is why I tend to sleep during classes, I mean it's not like I would miss out on anything. This stuff was practically drilled into my head.

"In fact I was nothing but kind to you, and I'm going to continue to do so because I am going to be the better person."

"Cool story bro."

"In fact, I believe you're a good person. And I must've done something to offend you, I wonder what I did exactly?" She ponders.

I let out a light groan. "Look, I appreciate that you're trying to muster up the courage to confess your feelings to me- actually I don't. But, whatever. I, on the other hand feel like a truck is constantly running over me so if you want to get on my good side do me a favour and shut the fuck up." Yuki was partly why I currently feel like I'm dying, but the other part is that the eternal hangover decided to be a bitch today. Lucky me.

"Look, can you even listen to what I'm saying-" I plug the other earphone in blocking out any noise.

We arrive at the moon dorm past the gates, and one thing I know for sure is that once I return I'll definitely be giving the Headmaster an earful as to why the Moon dorm looks more aesthetically pleasing than our rusty old-looking Sun dorm that seems to be over a few hundred years old. I get it, these Night class students are rich and shit. But there's something called human rights and being able to stay in a place that I'm comfortable knowing that the ceiling won't collapse on me.

After Yuki finally decides to grace my ears with that peacefulness I like to call; silence, she knocks on the door (which is kind of pointless) and pushes the door open only for it to not budge, after multiple attempts I let a loud sigh and pull the door open giving the girl a 'really?' Look.

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