17- Inevitable Death

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

Nicole gasped for air, buckling her bruised knees against the snow-covered ground in exhaustion. She peered over her shoulder making sure she was free from the wolves that coursed after her trail, before collapsing onto the ground her face planting onto the white ice. Her cold stricken hands grabbed a fistful of snow as she forced her eyes open, anger thriving through her veins.

Primitively, she had no idea that the girl she vowed on ruining her life was an inexplicable being that was a vessel of necromancy until her Master informed her of extraordinary powers, which only motivated her to kill Elvia even more briskly, she'd be the first human to kill a powerful critter and fully avenge her deceased sister. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

Except, she had no knowledge of her exorbitant lineage as an Alpha, let alone a pureblooded vampire with interracial blood. It just made her task a lot more complicated than it was really meant to be, she was originally ordered to kill her loved ones and anyone that she associated with. Despite her lack in somatic supremacy, she did have one thing that made her powerful than most people. And that was faculty over any pawns that were handed to her to do the dirty work, she was the mastermind behind bloodshed. Therefor she had more blood on her hands than the world's most wanted serial killer.

She shivered, her body temperature drooping low. She let out a ragged breath, pushing herself up on her elbows before the sight of blood red eyes made her mouth becoming dry as she crumbled backwards shuffling against a tree, her eyes depositing a glare.

The tall male emerges from the snow, his mouth fixating into a smirk. "The snow rarely blossoms on our terrain, it's a good thing that the cold doesn't effect vampires as much as it does for humans." He glances towards the sky outstretching his hand as the snow rested on his palm. "And sometimes, the outcome turns out to be quite unpleasant." He walks towards the girl who gulped as he crouched in front of her.

He trailed his long fingers down her frail jaw line turning her head to face him. "You've killed many people, but it is not my place to be the one to end your life." She looks at him fearfully before trying her luck.

"P-Please save me, I-I don't want to die. Turn me into a v-vampire, I beg you." She pleads gripping onto his sleeve.

He nudged her off as his lips turned downwards in displeasure. "Your blood does not interest my temptations, though I do know of someone else that would gladly take it."

"I do not blame you if you resent me for what I'm about to do." Kaname's hand plunges into her stomach making sure it wasn't in too deep enough to kill her. He completed half of his deal, now all he needs to do was obliterate the origin. He was aware of the fact that there was a blood thirsty werewolf scouting the woods searching for her prey, he just gave her a little hand.

Nicole screamed out loud, hovering her hands over the blood escaping from the medium sized wound on her stomach. She knew if she didn't make it back to her Master, she was sure to die.

Kaname flicked the blood onto the floor, frowning when the snow turned into a deep red which brought back past memories he did not want to recollect. He walked away ignoring the girl's pleads and cries, and disappeared within the woods returning back to the Academy.

An extensive snarl rumbled down the trees making Nicole's body freeze in fear and deliberation of her upcoming death, she let out a small sob when she caught the sight of wild, vivid golden eyes that was blurred with a sharp maroon. Nicole closed her eyes awaiting her fate, a faint image of her and her sister playing on the swings when they were younger vacillated throughout her thoughts. Her time was insufficient, yet some part of her knew that obliging to Rido's orders meant a constant death apprehension.

Her thoughts were cut short when she screamed as she flew through midair and landed on the ground, a bark of wood transfixed via her left thigh as she sobbed continuously, screaming again when when sharp jaws masticate onto her torso. She squeezed her eyes even tighter not wanting to face the red, demonic eyes that were penetrating through her like lasers. She let out screeches and whimpers every time she was thrown through the air, punched, kicked, or remorselessly triturated.

It was an endless loop of hell until she was thrown against the floor one more time, a final strike to the neck made her release one final scream as she fell limp against the snow. The whole field was covered with blood, and even flesh that were to be found by a human who would be scarred for life by the horrendous perception.

As a tear of blood slipped down her cheek, she welcomed hell with open arms knowing that she was destined to atone for her sins, she frowned sadly when the image of Rido flashed through her mind. She knew that whatever task she fulfilled or every order that she accomplished, his heart would always lie elsewhere. He wasn't capable of loving someone like her, but she just had to fall in love with someone like him.

And in the end, that was her downfall.



Yes, I know. Shortest chapter I've ever written, b-but I just wanted to kill her😭...

So I did.☺️

QOTC: Would you never watch anime again, or never eat your favourite food? (Food lovers and Otakus are shooketh rn)

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