11- The Fury Of An Angel

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"Um... Miss Elvia?" I look at the petite brunette before letting out a small smile, dismissing the 'Miss'.

"Oh hey... Callie right?" She nods grinning.

"Yup, I-I... um was wondering, if you'd like to have lunch with me?" I looked at her surprise even though it was kind of amusing to see she was scared of my reaction.

I shrug. What harm can it do to eat lunch with someone who doesn't detest my guts? "Sure, why not. Let me just grab my stuff." I plucked my belongings into my bag before swinging it over my shoulder.

"Lets go." I flinched when she hooked her arm with mine leading me into the lunch hall full of groups of overly excited kids.

"So, how do you like the school so far?" I chuckled inwardly.

"I guess it's okay, I think I'm settling in alright." If you find sending someone to the hospital, getting into a fight with your friends, finding two dead corpses, and killing a werewolf settling in then I'm doing a pretty darn good job.

She had a look in her eyes as if she knew something that I didn't. She smiles plopping down on a seat next to a table. "I couldn't help but notice that you seemed a little tense with your friends earlier, wanna talk about it?" Despite them sitting on the opposite of the cafeteria it's almost as if they were looking at me, but why would they bother with me if they're the ones who don't trust me enough to think I killed those innocent people mercilessly?

"We just got into some huge argument, and we both said some pretty hurtful things." I fiddle with my spaghetti twirling it around the fork in my hands.

"What if it just some huge misconception? Maybe if either one of you apologises things could work out again?" She suggests.

I plop my chin on my hand. "I don't think this time would be that simple, we've known each other for a long time and if we'd gotten into a fight we would've been friends again by now. It's like they're totally different from the girls I knew back then, but then again. So am I. They just automatically assumed that they know everything about me when in reality they know nothing about me at all." I frown, I don't know why I'm speaking my heart out to a girl I've only known for more than five minutes but it feels like I can I trust her for some reason. "And honestly, I don't even think I know anything about them too. It's like we're strangers sleeping in the same room."

She gave me a sad smile. "Well Miss Elvia, I can assure you that things will definitely get better. If they haven't made an effort to talk to you, then who cares about them? It's a waste of time to be worrying about someone who only wasn't good for you in the beginning, and besides. You have me now, and I would love to be given the chance to be your friend." I feel a pang in my chest. She's too nice for someone like me, in fact she was exactly like me before the harsh world corrupted my innocence. Pure and precious.

"I'm not sure if that's exactly what you want from me." I shake my head smiling at the petite girl. "Someone like you is only going to end up getting hurt by sticking around with someone like me."

"Someone like you? Is that why you tried pushing me away the first time. Look Miss Elvia, I know what I'm getting myself into otherwise why would I be here attempting to earn your friendship? Whatever happens to me isn't because I'm around you, you're not some disease that'll warn everyone to stay away from you. In fact, I know a couple of people that want to be friends with you but they're too scared to confront you only because they're afraid that you'll reject them. I may not know you personally, but not everyone in the world are demons. They are a few people that shed light into this corrupted world and bring hope to those who are near to giving up. Please let me be that person for you." My eyes widen as I feel lost of words.

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