29- A Risky Decision

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Elvia's POV

"Haven... I'm relieved to have been reunited with you again."

Is this how it feels to completely feel useless? To have a sense of fear course through your body preventing you from thinking properly, or from doing anything at all. My hands... they were shaking, heck my whole body was shaking like I stood in the rain for hours without an umbrella. Instead of rain drenching my body, sweat beaded down my forehead as my heartbeat sped up.

"You're shaking terribly... is it because of me?" His lips curled up into a smirk. "Are you afraid of me Haven?"

Then there's the constant reminder, that smirk he has on his face, was the same smirk that my friends saw before they passed away by his blood tainted hands. He killed those whom I loved and cherished the most, he took everything away from me. My love, my happiness, he stole them without permission but I'm thankful that he left one thing behind. A thing that kept me alive this whole entire time.

My memories.

"No, in fact it's quite the opposite." I smirked sucking up my fears, this was the day I've been preparing for majority of my life. I can't just chicken out because I'm scared of the outcome, instead I should focus on making sure that whatever happens is something that I know that would make me and everyone who sacrificed their lives for me proud.

"You know Rido... I had thought that you'd get tired by now, don't you think? It's been like what? Five years? Six? That doesn't really matter right now, but what I'm really intrigued about is the fact that you keep chasing after something that you know you're never going to get." I taunted, knowing my words effected him. "You killed many people, used them to your dispose, all for what? Power? Control? Tell me Rido, what do you truly desire?"

His smirk faltered, before his deadly glare made a shiver run up my spine but I refuse to be upshot. "And what makes you think I'm unable to achieve that goal? In fact, I already won this little cat and mouse game that has prolonged for way too long." My stomach dropped. What does he mean he already won?

"Isn't that right, Callie?" My broad eyes snapped to the familiar green orbs that stood lifeless against my gaze. My eyes widened even more when I noticed the silver gun glinting in her hands, that slowly raised pointing towards me.

"You see, it appears that I haven't exactly taken everything away from you. Sure, your whole entire pack is under my control, meaning that at any time I could order an army full of powerful and strong werewolves to attack the atrocious humans living in the Academy, as well as the vampires that live amongst them. Now, can you imagine the damage that that would cause?" My throat ran dry.

All those lives, could be lost for... nothing?

"No." I growled clenching my fists. "You took the people I cared the most away from me, you even took the person I loved and cared for away as well, but it no way will I allow you to take my pack, not while I remain under the title of an Alpha. Hell, take my title away. But don't you ever, even think for a second that just because you call yourself an Alpha,  means that you are one." Callie's eyes remained stoic, however the tear slipping down her cheek told me enough.

She's still there... He can control her body but not her emotions.

An invisible smile made it's way to my lips, which was soon wiped off as a burst of laughter rumbled in the air. Rido let out a few chuckles, narrowing his eyes that held a glint of evil and demise. "Callie, shoot her."

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