19- Manor

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"The thing about silver is that it'll leave a scar." I traced the wound on my shoulder gently trying not to let the disappointment show. I guess some wounds would never fade away.

"So silver is like a major weakness to wolves?" I ask slipping on my coat.

Callie nods gripping the side of the bed as she stood up, she stumbled a few steps forward before grinning. "That medicine worked wonders Em, I can walk again." I looked away fiddling with my fingers.

"Are you still beating yourself over that Milady?" Callie sighs placing her hand on my shoulder. "I will keep saying it until you understand that I don't blame you for what happened, it was never your fault in the first place so stop sulking and smile." She placed her fingers on the corner of my lips tilting it up into an awkward smile.

"I can't believe I'm saying that I actually miss school, I wanna see how Ruka, Zero, Yuki and the others are doing. It feels like it's been forever since I've saw them and I'm sure the Headmaster isn't pleased with my absence."

"That has already been sorted, Mina talked to the headmaster about the whole situation and he said it was fine for you to be missing a few days of school. You know, you're the only werewolf I know that doesn't despise vampires. Speaking of which, you're romantically involved with one aren't you?" Callie teased.

I feel my cheeks heat up as I fumble over my words. "W-Well, I wouldn't say 'romantically involved', in fact we haven't even established ourselves as a couple. And besides, after what he saw, me becoming a monster... I'm sure he wouldn't want to be associated with someone like me."

It's the first time I ever felt like I moved on from the past, I've managed to accumulate feelings for Zero only to fuck my chance at starting again. The kiss we had was probably him getting caught up in the moment, after all no vampires can resist the urge for blood, it's their nature to do what they do best.

"You're not a monster, you nor your wolf are demons but blessings who are worthy of love. Believe it or not, you deserve everything and apologies for my straightforwardness but you are foolish to think that you do not deserve happiness. I know your wolf was going on a rampage, but it must've felt some sort of emotion to let you turn back into human. And that shows that she has a heart as well, a heart that cares for you deeply which is why she didn't want you to get hurt again. So don't let yourself get hurt. That's rule number one of being an Alpha." I smile inspired by her heartfelt speech, I guess she really does have a way with words.

During the duration of three days, Callie managed to explain a lot about our kind and tutored me about my abilities and what I'm capable of doing. And it surprised when even the supernatural had an hierarchy, but I guess I shouldn't be that shock when the Kuran acts all high and mighty. Is that how I'm going to end up? I don't want to be consumed by power, I don't want to act too big for my boots, I want to be normal. But, being an Alpha is somewhat of my destiny. And I should learn to get used to it.

There was a knock on the door as Mina, the lovely brunette, entered giving a slight bow. (which I was totally against, but apparently it was disrespectful not to) "Alpha, your ride is here."

I shot up in excitement slipping my wool hat on and wrapped the scarf around my neck preparing for the coldness of the winter. Perhaps I shouldn't be that worried, Callie did say that werewolves naturally produce immense body heat so the cold doesn't affect werewolves as much is does humans.

"You seem overly excited for someone returning back to school." Callie emphasised limping slightly as she reached for her coat.

I half smiled helping her as we walking out of the room. "I should enjoy the time I have left at that school, because from what I can tell this Alpha job is going to be a hassle, but I'm willing to work hard to become a good and respectable Alpha." Callie grins give me a sideways look as we enter the car, along with three other people who I knew the names of, but I wasn't so familiar with.

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