15. Heart of Mine

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The answers he seeks doesn't always come easy. Iker wanted answers not knowing how to approach and reach the man below in the cell. He thought of receiving the answers from someone, immediately dismissing the thought. No one would share such a thing with him. Plus, Iker doubt the king would tell anyone of such a secret. A secret Iker was now burdened with.

Iker thought that the King knew he wouldn't tell a soul. The fear he embedded within him that night, left the King knowing Iker would keep his mouth shut rather than receiving another beating. As Iker stood in the garden, distracted by his thoughts as he gazed up at the castle. How could he sneak into a place when King Rhett practically lives in the room.

Iker sighed, it was all too troublesome for him. He thought of just informing the Prince. He had a better chance of sneaking in than Iker did. Then, he thought of how the Prince would react. Iker could barely utter the words that he was struck numerous times because he told the Prince of Garrett District. Let alone tell Prince Cormac that The King, his father had a man locked away, his life wearing away.

It would be Iker's words against the King. King Rhett held power, power that could ruin Iker's life. He had to go about it another way. Iker tended to the plants, he shouldn't stress himself so much. He didn't know if the man was dangerous or not. Why else would he be locked away?.

Iker stopped for a second. He hadn't said anything that could ruin the state of the kingdom yet he received such treatments. Did the man perhaps said something he shouldn't have? Iker couldn't be too sure, the King would do anything to protect Prince Cormac and himself.

He sighed again. Iker wanted to help the poor man. If no one can tell him anything he'll just have to risk it and sneak into the King's chamber. The Prince was trying to get information from the outside as Iker was digging deep into the secrets that lies withing the castle. He'll just have to rid the fear that ate away at his stomach.

Iker spotted Commander Amir across the path. He could ask the Commander since he's known the king for a long time. Iker dusted his hands and made way to Commander Amir. He considered the man to be a father figure to him.

He remembered when his parents died how lonely he was. He would cry near the walls of Area Fifteen, sobbing into his arms that cradle his knees, hoping his parents would somehow return. A life in the Garrett District was no worst that being caged with a lion. The only thing that they had to do was let it eat away at you. Those who fight back would only last so long, before they were overpowered by the beast.

Iker didn't want to complain about his life. He knew there were others out there in Area fifteen who had it worst. That didn't mean his life was any easier. He knew what it was like to feel the unbearable pain of hunger, to watch the sick who just had to face death.

To be treated differently by the people of the District of Thornburg and Pixie Tower. The Kingdom of Seridina was a place ruled by class. The poor had no means of surviving and the rich looked down from the mountain of Rubis' they had.

Commander Amir had spotted him one day. Sharing his kindness that was far better than anything that Iker had ever received. He had bought Iker to the castle, a place he could only look at from afar. The Prince took a liking to him, making him his personal servant.

Iker tried his best to be a good servant, ignoring the ways the Prince treated him. He grew to believe that class was everything. That he stood below everything. Even if its just a little bit, Prince Cormac was slowly breaking away the chains that made Iker think he could only view the stars from below and not reach out to touch them.

Commander Amir stopped when he saw Iker. "Hard days work." he said.

Iker smiled, "I believe it's the same for you. Tending to the garden is something I look forward to. Gives me some time to think without much interruption." he said. The Commander nodded, looking towards the garden.

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