25. The Truth will hurt us Both

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Stella would glance Phoenix's way every now and then. The boy was radiating with happiness and something else. It was the first time she saw him like that. Phoenix sat with Luna in his hands, having a conversation with the baby. It was fine as long as he received laughs form the precious girl.

He was missing Ace, and staying in the book house sulking wasn't going to help. It hadn't been a full day but it felt like forever. He had a hold on Phoenix, a hold that he never wanted to be released from. He would burn with excitement just thinking about the day by the river.

Remembering each touch and kiss he shared with Ace. It was different from anything he experienced. It wasn't a full on love making but it did send him into a blissful pleasure. He controlled his thoughts, he was just riling himself up with his own thought.

Stella placed the items she held away. It was as if Phoenix was sending little hearts all over the place that she couldn't ignore them. She walked over to her son. Phoenix looked up at her, smiling a lot more these days than before.

"Did something happen?" Stella asked, taking a seat beside him. She took the baby from him. Luna was warming up to Stella, stopping her crying when she was with Stella.

"Nothing in particular." Phoenix said with a shrug.

"Is it Ace?" She questioned after giving Luna a series of kisses on her cheeks.

Every reason behind Phoenix's behaviour always led back to Ace. He wondered if the other boy would show up today as well. They didn't get to spend much time the last time they met. "Maybe." he said discreetly. He bit on his bottom lip. This was the first he was talking to Stella about such things.

"I'm just going to go out with it." Stella warned. "You like Ace don't you?"

Phoenix fumbled with his words. It was an easy yes but it was embarrassing to admit to Stella. He settled for a nod. Each moment they spent together only increased their love for each other. "You keep reminding me of your father more and more." Stella spoke.

"When he first met your mom, they used to argue a lot. One day he said to me that he liked your mother and that he wasn't sure if she liked him in return. Turns out she did." She continued. "They were inseparable. He was head over heels for your mother. When I looked at you and Ace, I think of your parents. You remind me of your father, shy when it comes to the person he loves. He brought great joy to your mother. You're a product of their never ending love."

Phoenix reached for his pendant, giving it a squeeze under the fabric. "Did they ever tell you why they had this necklace? Why they gave it to me?"

Stella took the pendant from underneath his shirt. Caressing the wings with her thumb. "Wings of Freedom." she spoke, a look of nostalgia in her eyes. "I think it's their way of telling you to be free. That you'll always be free."

It was the closest meaning he ever got for his pendant. Wings of Freedom, it was fitting for him and Ace in achieving the goal they had set. Allowing everyone to spread their wings once again. "I've been meaning to ask." Phoenix said, placing the pendant back inside his shirt. "You've been here for a very long time, right, Ma?"

Stella nodded, "I've been here since it was built. Those are memories I can't forget."

"Was there anyone you knew by the name Relufian?" Phoenix had been looking around. No success in finding that person. The last meeting he had with Axton ended sour. There would be no other meetings with him, only to tell him of the person named Relufian.

Stella tensed at the name, she looked at Phoenix with frightened eyes. Luna sitting still on her lap. "Where did you hear that name?" She questioned. Phoenix noticed how Stella's attitude changed after he asked the question. It was a sign that she knew something. "Where did you hear that name Phoenix?" She pressed.

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