Chapter sixteen

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Pic: thought about making a cover with this picture, what do you think?

On the way to the beach we picked Olivia up, since she also had decided not to go at first. However, Cam had persuaded her, when she found out he too was going.

They were walking as close as you could be without touching. I began feeling like a third wheel. I looked around and scratched the back of my head. I felt awkward and tried focusing on anything else but the situation. We were walking on the main path leading to the school. I clearly remember the last time I was here. I almost got caught outside past curfew on my way over to Ammi. It was not even twenty-four hours ago. It felt like a lot had happened since then.

Due to the memory, I got an idea, "Guys? What would you say if we invited Ammi?"

"Ammi?" Olivia said. I had forgotten that Olivia never heard Ammi's name, "Oh, I had totally forgotten. Ammi is the one you healed. Her real name is Amelia-Sofia, but I'm sure she is okay with you calling her Ammi."

Olivia did not question why I called her by her nickname, and I did not feel like explaining it. I am sure she is going to ask Cam later anyway.

"You know what? You can head down to the beach, while I go and get her, okay?"

"We can come too. It's no problem," Cam said shrugging, "And I am sure she would like to meet Red. Her saviour," Cam said sending Olivia a warm smile.

"Let's go then."

We walked the rest of the way to school silently. I enjoyed nights like these. Being out late at night in the dark always made feel peaceful. The school always cancelled the rule about curfew when we held the monthly bonfire and today was no exception.

I was anxious to see what Ammi would say. Would she want to go after everything she had been through the last two days? I hoped so.

It did not take more than three minutes to get to the school, because Cam and I had the cabin closest to the school. I had gotten a key to the main entrance from William, the headmaster. I should return it tomorrow morning. It was only in case of emergencies. If Ammi began panicking and going into shock again, they wanted me to be ready to help. They wanted me to calm her down, so they did not have to give her anymore drugs.

"Maybe I should go in first," I said, "So I can introduce you."

Cam gave me a nod and stopped walking, "Just call when you are ready," He said while turning to face Olivia. They began talking and I took it as a que to leave.

I knocked on the lightly, then listened.

"Come in."

I opened the door to an odd sight. Ammi was lying on her back with her head dangling over the edge. Her hair almost touched the floor and her curls were a bit messed. Her head was as red as a tomato and her legs pointed straight up in the air.

"Hey, Kyle."

"What in the world are you doing?" I asked and could not help but let out a little laugh. It was quite a sight.

"What does it look like?"

"I have no idea, but maybe you should sit up. I don't think the colour your head has is healthy. It looks like it's turning blue."

"Maybe you're right, it's just that I so bored I could die."

"This is what you do when you are tiresome? You are a strange person."

"You know, I read a couple of chapters in the book you brought. I must say it is an interesting theory, but I don't believe it. It is just too weird."

"I knew you would," I sent her a grin, "But even if you don't believe it, you have to accept it."

"Let's take this another day, shall we?"

"I suppose we could."

"Did you just come here to talk about the stupid book?"

"No, actually I was wondering if you wanted to come to our monthly bonfire. It's down by the beach and it is always a lot of fun, I promise."

"Sure, why not. It's not like I got anything else to do. Let me just fix my hair, then I am ready to go. Who else is going to be there?"

As on que Cam opened the door without knocking, "What is taking you so long?"

"Um, sorry?" Ammi said, "I didn't know anyone was waiting."

"That was the next thing I was going to tell you. I want you to meet Cam. It was him and I, who saved you from the hound."

"Hey there, my name is Cameron: Son of Aiden, Prince of the Sea. Nice to meet you, again," Cam said walking over and shaking her hand. She shook it back and gave him a thankful smile, "Thank you for saving me."

"You are welcome."

"You guys ready?" Olivia said, while coming through the door.

"This is Olivia. She..."

"Oh, you are the one who healed me, whatever that may mean," Ammi exclaimed, interrupting me.

"Yeah, that's me. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Olivia: Daughter of Evelyn, Princess of Health." Olivia also shook Ammi's hand, and then we were off to the beach.



aaaanndd now for the joke:

A Spanish magician has a grand magical show and at the end he says he will disappear after counting to three. He starts to count, "Un, dos..."


He vanished without a tres.

Amelia - Myth of the Cursed ChildWhere stories live. Discover now