Chapter twenty-seven

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Pic: guess who this is!

Published another chapter today, because the previously was really short.

We worked on the project for a while, then we got hungry and walked back to the school. The school's cafeteria was open all day, and it was here the students got their breakfast, lunch and dinner.

On the way, I fell because of a branch and Kyle was laughing for three whole minutes. He told me that Cameron had fallen, because of that exact branch, too. I threw it away from the path, sonone else would fall. 

"Oh my God, my butt really hurts now." My comment made Kyle laugh even harder and I gave him a couple of minutes to calm down. After that a thought hit me, "Wait, is it okay to say 'oh my God'? I mean you are gods, so it is a bit weird, you know?"

Kyle looked at me like I had just asked the oddest question ever.

"What? It is a good question. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone by saying something I shouldn't have."

"Ammi, you are really weird sometimes, did you know that?" Kyle said half smiling half chuckling, "Of course it is okay to say 'oh my God'. We do not, however, use it a lot around here."

"Good to know."

When we reached the school a lot of students were getting dinner too, therefore, we decided to bring it back to the cabin and eat, while doing some more work.

Kyle got a salad, while I got a burger. I looked shocked at him, "What boy orders a salad instead of a burger?"

He knew I was mocking him and that I had no problem at all, with him choosing a salad.

We continued our bantering all the way to the cabin. We heard some voices and when we walked in we got so surprised we dropped some of the food.

"I knew it!" Kyle yelled beside me, doing a little victory dance. Cameron's face got as red as Oliva's hair and Olivia hid behind him.

When we walked through the door, we had caught Cameron giving Olivia a kiss on the lips.

"Shut up, dude." Cameron said to Kyle and covered his red cheeks with his hands. It was cute, and he couldn't stop smiling.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Olivia muttered to Cameron and gave a small wink to us, then she almost ran out the door. Before she was completely gone I got a glimpse of her face. It was as I had expected; it was just like Cameron's.

Kyle went over and gave Cameron one of those strange guy-hugs, where you first shake hands, then pat each other on the back, while hugging.

I started picking up the food, luckily the boxes hadn't opened. Kyle came and helped me. The three of us sat down on their couch. I offered Cameron some fries, but he said that he and Olivia had eaten dinner together, so he was not hungry.

We talked and ate for a while. The burger I got was amazing and I vowed to get another one sometime. Theguys laughed at that but agreed that the burgers really were spectacular. The lettuce was crispy, a perfect amount of ketchup, two pieces of cheese, a big and juicy steak and no pickles. Incredible.

It was getting late and it was completely dark outside. I asked if I could crash on their couch tonight. They gave me permission. I was thankful, because I did not feel like walking at night, "Thank you, guys. I appreciate it."

I changed into a pair of sweatpants I lent from Cameron and kept my undershirt on.

I did not take me more than a few minutes to fall asleep.


I was leaning against a wall and my head felt heavy. My clothes were wet, and I was freezing. I gazed around, but it was too dark to see any more than a couple of feet before me. As my eyes got used to the dark I noticed my surroundings. I was sitting on a staircase. Behind me was a big door. It was about 5 feet high.

My head felt heavy like I had been holding my breath for a long time. I wondered where I was. I had never been here before.

I sat still for some time, while listening for voices or footsteps. Not hearing anything I decided to stand up and locate where I was. As I stood, my legs felt stiff, as if they had been in the same position a long time. I pushed myself up with my hands and something about them felt odd. I looked down at them. My palms were a deep blue colour. I turned them around and saw that the back of my hands were blue as well. I felt cold to my core and I knew I had to get warm soon. If I did not find warmth I would possibly freeze to death.

The stairs went down and away from the giant door. As I walked down the steps, I left wet footprints. Iwas not wearing any shoes. 'I must have lost them somewhere', I thought tomyself.

It took me a while to get to the bottom of the stairs. The air felt thicker the longer I walked.

The stairs were going down, so I figured I was walking towards a cellar. It got darker and darker the further I got down. When I was almost at the bottom, it was impossible to see the last steps.

Imade it all the way down and soon I felt a blanket under my bare feet. I could still not see anything, and I felt captured in a massive darkness.

I lookedfor a switch. I moved my hand back and forth over the wall until I found one. I switched it on and light emerged.

One by one fake torches turned on. The room lit up, and I could not grasp how big it was. It was at least 85 feet wide and 350 feet long.

When I saw the enormous chandelier, the room reminded me of a ballroom. The blanket under my feet looked like the red-carpets you see on television. It stretched from the bottom of the stairs to the end of the room.

The chandelier was in the middle of the room and on the ground round tables were forming a circle around it.


No joke today, sorry ahaha
It was a stupid idea to post jokes at every chapter - I am running out of good ones ahaha

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