Chapter thirty-four

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Pic: the Myth of the Cursed Child. Just if you don't remember it :D

What do you think of the layout?

After Kyle had dropped me off, literally, dropped me off at the Safety Champers, he ran out with the other boys from Fighting Class.

After rinsing mud off from my face I found a place against the wall, where I could sit and wait for the attack to be over. To say that I was scared out of my mind, would be an underestimating.

I was sitting by myself, contemplating what I would have done, had I made it to The Gate. Had I been attacked? Had Kyle really saved my life yet again?

I would seriously have to bake him a cake or something as a thank you.

I looked around for familiar faces in the Safety Champers but saw none I recognized. We were to many pupils.

To pass the time, so I didn't sit alone and worry about Kyle and Cameron, I looked through my bag pack. My hands were shaking as I looked through its contents.

I had almost forgotten I had brought it with me. All of my belongings were, of course, in there, but also the history book Kyle had gotten me.

I had a lot time on my hands, being locked in the champers and all. I loosely turned the pages, looking for something that sounded interesting.

The Myth of the Cursed Child

I had no idea how long I had been staring blankly at the pages.

I dawned on me, why I wasn't allowed to leave.

Everything made sense now.

Why everyone had been staring at my since I had arrived.

My strange dreams.

My name fit the description. Amelia-Sofia.

Olivia's questions about my age and her strange reaction, when I talked about my 16th birthday.

Kyle explaining to me that only Gods or teachers could pass through the gate. 

There was no doubt. I was a goddess. And not a goodhearted one.

A descendant of the Queen of the Cold.


A few hours spend inside the Safety Champers and I was dying to get out.

Most of the pupils had fallen asleep leaning against the walls or lying on the floor.

I couldn't sleep.

I was restless and began feeling claustrophobic.

Around 3 am the boys returned. They looked tired and most of them were covered in mud. A few were even bleeding from cuts and scratches. 

I stood up and tried to spot Kyle or Cameron to make sure that they were okay.

Cameron almost came running through the door and easily spotted Olivia's red hair. He ran over to her and she jumped in his arms. He swung her around a couple of times, relieved to see her safe and sound.

I couldn't hear a word he was saying, but a big smile spread on Olivia's face, when he whispered something in her ear.

Cameron put her down again but didn't let her leave his side.

I glanced around, thinking I had missed Kyle coming in.

I hadn't.

He wasn't here.

I slowly made my way over to Cameron and Olivia, not wanting to ruin their moment.

As I was about to ask where Kyle was, when he came through the door, which lead outside.

He looked badly beaten up. I let out a quiet gasp and headed towards him.

Before I had even taken three steps, Emma came rushing from behind me and ran over to Kyle.

"Are you okay?!" She yelled, waking almost everyone up.

What a drama queen.

She wrapped herself around him and cuddled her head on his chest.

Kyle rested his head on top of hers and it broke my heart to see the sweet gesture.

I lowered my head and returned to my small sitting place, jealousy evident on my face.

In some way I felt betrayed, but I had to remind myself that Emma was his girlfriend. Of course, he would choose to find comfort in his girlfriend's arms and not with a girl had had almost just met.

I mean, who wouldn't choose the Princess of Beauty over the Princess of the Cold?

The door had been closed and locked after Kyle came through, so who knew when we would be let out? The teachers were probably making sure it was safe for the ones, who didn't know how to fight, to come out.

I sat waiting alone for a few more hours, with only two things on my mind. The first was me wondering, why Kyle hadn't come over to me, even just for a second to make sure I was alright and to reassure me that he was alright. The second thing was my deep desire to get out of my muddy clothes.

I decided that as soon as I had changed I would be gone.

I had no wish to stay until my powers would show and they would throw me out because of my inheritance: The Cold.


Next chapter coming soon! Can't wait!

I have the plot perfectly figured out and am totally excited to put it into words!

The joke:

Why does Peter Pan fly all the time?

He Neverlands.

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