Twenty-eight - Just Me And You, We're Here Alone

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I didn't know how, but I'd ended up in lunchtime detention. My math teacher didn't seem to happy with me - maybe it was because I hadn't completed a single piece of homework since I started Belleville High, or maybe it was because I sucked at math, and I couldn't be bothered to try. It didn't particularly matter; I was going without lunch either way.

And that didn't bother me as much as it should've. I was too nervous to eat, anyway. After Gerard had told me that he loved me on Monday, neither of us had mentioned it since. He had taken yesterday off of work, and was back today, which was Wednesday.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and when the teacher wasn't looking, I pulled it out. There were two texts, one from Brendon and another from Gerard.

Brendon: Where are you? Something's happened between Patrick and Pete and they're not talking...

Gee: Will you come to my classroom after school? There's something I want to talk to you about xoxo

I said yes to Gerard and told Brendon to meet me outside the classroom after lunch, and with half an hour left, I slumped forward onto my desk. My stomach rumbled but I barely noticed it, thinking instead of Gerard's soft and delicate voice, whispering the words I had taken the time to learn.

But he couldn't love me. Could he? I was just some messed-up kid that ruined his previous relationship and was risking him his entire career. I didn't have anything going for me, no future aspirations, no talents, only the ability to give a decent blowjob. And you can't fall in love with that, can you?

Yet I knew that I'd fall in love with Gerard like I fall asleep - slowly, and then all at once. This was the slowly part. All at once would come later, maybe at the wrong moment, maybe at the right. Maybe tomorrow, or the day he leaves for New York. I didn't know. But I knew it would happen, and I wasn't sure if I was ready or not.

There was a sigh from the front desk, and a droning voice telling me to leave. I looked at the clock and saw fifteen minutes still to go, but I took the chance and grabbed my bag, almost running into Brendon as I left.

"You're early." I commented, and he shrugged.

"So are you."

We began to walk to our next class. "So - Patrick and Pete?"

He shrugged again, this time looking truly confused. "I don't know, man; they're just not speaking to each other. Ryan asked what was up but Patrick just glared at Pete."

I frowned. "That's not like them at all..."

We paused at my locker, so I could trade my books, and he continued. "Nope, I don't know what's happening. Maybe you could talk to Pete, and then -" he stopped, tapping my shoulder.

I looked at him. "Yeah?" He pointed to my left and I turned my head, spotting Gerard walking towards us. He was talking to another teacher, not looking in our direction, but when he passed by Brendon and I, he shot me the tiniest of glances.

"You're so in love with him." Brendon said once both teachers were out of earshot.

"A little." I admitted, smiling to myself.

I closed the door and saw Brendon's smug expression. "Why do you even like him anyway? He's just an icky teacher."

I gaped at him in horror. "No he isn't! He's beautiful, and he's talented, he takes the time to ask me if I'm okay, he cares, he's passionate, he's everything that I'm not and I love that about him, he doesn't care what people think of him, he - what?" I stopped when I saw the smile spreading on his face, and he looked more than smug - he looked freaking triumphant.

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