Joining a club?

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"Yah, what are you doing?" You asked as you saw Bora cutting up paper into a human shape. "Ta-dah." She said and unfolds the paper after cutting it, making you laugh. "Seriously.. We are in high school." Soyeon said but both you and Bora ignored her. "Well.. It's okay to have some fun, right?" Yoojin said while smiling and Soyeon sighed, giving up.

Just then, your homeroom teacher came. "I need the four of you to come with me." She said and the four of you followed. "What is it ssaem?" Bora asked once all of you reached her table in the teacher's office. "Almost all the students here have joined a club, what are you going to do?" She asked and the four of you looked at each other. "Can we don't join?" Bora asked, getting a sigh in return. "Of course you have to. It will affect your college." Your homeroom teacher said and they nodded. "Well.. There's this club which will be closing down soon if there's no members. Why not be in that club?" She suggested and the all of you lit up. "Sure." All of you agreed and the teacher smiled. "Here's the key for the music room at the last floor." She said while handing Soyeon the key. "Kamsahamnida." The four of you thanked and left.

Once the four of you reached, the room is very dusty and only a drum set, a piano, a small couch, some desks and chairs could be seen in the room. "Wow.. Must be ages since this room has been used." You said and tried to pull a lame joke but failed miserably. "Come on, stop with your cold jokes and get to work." Soyeon said as she pushed up her uniform sleeves, along with Yoojin. After cleaning for two hours, the music room is finally clean and seems usable. "So.. We are in the music club, huh." You said and they nodded. "What now?" Soyeon asked as she plopped down on one of the chairs. "Can we just eat something first? I'm dying of hunger." Bora whined and you agreed with her. "Fine.. We'll go home today and think tomorrow." Soyeon said, giving up.

"Come on, let's go." You said while taking your bag and all of you left, locking the music room.

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