Culture festival

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A few months passed and it's time for the culture festival. "Yes! Finally the time for culture festival!" You shouted and Bora cheered with you. "But.. I hate it too." Bora said and all of you looked at her questioning. "Wae?" Yoojin asked, curious. "Because, after the festival, it's time for our finals." Bora sighed and you groaned. "I'm trying to forget that." You said as you patted her back. "I know how you feel," Yoojin said and Soyeon face-palmed herself. "Yah!You are worse than Bora." Soyeon said as she looked at you and you looked back at her, confused. "At least she's thinking about the finals." She said and you nodded, understanding. "I just can't stand that stress, you know." You said and Bora agreed. "Whatever, let's just practice for the culture festival." Soyeon sighed and all of you went to practice after eating some afternoon snacks which Yoojin brought from her home.

Once you reached home, you saw your mother is in the living room, watching tv. "Finals is coming soon, i'm waiting for better grades than your last exam." She said and you just rolled your eyes and went into your room, locking it. *Everything that comes out from your mouth is always grades. Will it change if i become an adult?* You wondered and sighed as you hugged one of the old Tigger soft toy Yongguk gave you for your birthday. *No one even celebrates my birthday anymore.. Since i was 7, that is. Not that i care or anything.* You thought and your tears slowly rolled down. *Let's work hard for the festival.* You thought and nodded.

In these few days, your band has only been practicing once a day and eat snacks the whole day. Soyeon has been scolding you and Bora but the both of you ignored her, of course. Soon, the festival is next day. "Yah, did you pass the form to the student council?" Soyeon asked and Bora smiled sheepishly. "Oppsie." She said and all of you sighed. "Go and pass the the form now then." Soyeon said and Bora ran to the student council. Although it's pass the due date, luckily they allow your band to perform because of Subin, who is in your class and the five of you became friends. "Gomawo Subinnie." Bora thanked and Subin just smiled. "Make sure don't forget it again." Subin said and Bora nodded and left after thanking her again.

It's finally the day for the culture festival. "Let's practice one last time." Soyeon said and all of you agreed. Once the practice ended, you and Bora rested on the sofa. "It's finally the culture festival. After our performance, let's have fun." You said and Bora agreed. Soon, the time finally come for all of you to perform. "Glad you girls made it on time this time." Subin said and all of you smiled sheepishly. After the MC announce your band name, the curtain lowered and everyone are setting up the drum, piano and mic stand. After making sure everything is alright, Bora showed and 'ok' sign and Subin signalled them to the raise the curtain. After Bora introduced the band and the song, all of you performed.

Once the song ended, everyone cheered and applauded while shouting praises and compliments. "Let's go down." Soyeon said and all of you went backstage and the students in charge of being the staffs help to settle the drum and piano. "It sure is fun performing in front crowds." You said and everyone agreed while smiling. After putting the instruments back into the music room, the four of you went out and someone stopped you. "You girls are in the band 'Dream Music', right?" A guy asked and the four of you nodded.

"I'm from a record company, Rock records and i want to join us and do albums." He said and all of you looked at him, wide-eyed. "This is not a joke, right?" You asked, slightly nervous. "Of course not, the song you girls performed is very nice and i want to sell it. You girls can do a MV too, if you like." He said and all of you cheered. "YES! YAY! OMG! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" The four of you shouted different things. "Great, come and record it once you figured out what songs to include into your album. It can be a ful album, single album or a mini album. Just come over whenever you are done." He said and left after giving you his name card.

"Let's add your songs then. Let our first album be a single album first." Soyeon said and all of you agreed. "Let's go and see all the other stalls then." You said and all of you went off.

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