Last culture festival(Last day)

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 [a/n: Do click 'External link' if you want to watch B.A.P 'Stop It' live performance^^]


Once the performance ended, all of you left the stage. "That was the best performance." Subin said and all of you blushed at the compliment. "I think everyone enjoyed it." Subin added. "I can feel that too." Bora said and all of you smiled. "Go and enjoy our last culture festival then." Subin said and all of you nodded.

As all of you are walking out from the backstage, you saw ten people walking towards you. "Oppas? Unnie? Eomma?! What are you doing here?" You asked, shocked. "Too see our dongsaeng perform." Yongguk said and all of you smiled. "We should go and enjoy this." You said and Bora nodded. "Seorim-ah, what's your class doing?" Soyeon asked, curious. "Umm.. Maid cafe." Seorim said and all of you nodded. "Let's go there first then." You said and everyone nodded.

As you and Bora are walking at the front, everyone went towards you and Bora and started talking. "Your dongsaeng's popular." Youngjae said and your siblings just smiled. "Jihyuk! Where's Handae?!" You asked as you saw him sitting at the stairs with his friends. "Molla, try the stalls outside? He's always there, stuffing himself." Jihyuk suggested and you showed him an 'ok' sign. "Yah, you go ahead, i have something to do." You said and ran off. Once you reached the stalls, you went around and finally saw Handae sitting on a bench, munching on soem food the stalls are selling.

"Handae!" You shouted and Handae looked at you, shocked. "What are you doing here?" Handae asked, curious. "Thanks for helping me even when i suddenly asked you for help." You thanked and Handae rubbed the back of his neck while smiling awkward. "Handae-yah.. I-if next year your feelings for me haven't change.. M-maybe we can go out or something?" You said and Handae looked at you shocked. "Y-you want to go on a date with me?" He asked and you smiled while nodding. "Next year, that is.. After we graduate from high school." You said and Handae smiled widely. "You have no idea how much i've been waiting for this day to come. If i can wait for you for three years, what's one year to me?" Handae said and you giggled shyly. "It's a promise then, right?" You asked and he nodded. "Hope we can be together. And.. Thanks for helping me out. It's really nice of you." You said and left, face blushing red while Handae smiled from ear to ear.

As you are talking to Handae, your family, B.A.P members and your friends heard everything from their hiding spots. "Oh.. So this time is her asking him out." Bora said and Soyeon nodded. "We should act like know nothing." Yoojin suggested and all of them nodded. Soon, you are walking back and saw them looking at other stalls. "Yah, Bora! Nayoon! Come with me for awhile!" Lina shouted as she ran towards all of you. "What's wrong?" You asked, curious. "Can you come with me for awhile? Jihyunnie's waiting too." She said and both you and Bora went with her.

"What's wrong?" You asked once the three of you are in the practice room and saw Jihyun is inside. "Yah, want to do something only the four of us can dance to? Since we are all graduating so.. I really want to do something." Jihyun said and both you and Bora looked at each other and back to them. "What do you want to do?" Bora asked, curious. "I'm thinking of dancing a cute song, like SECRET 'I Do I Do' or 'YooHoo'." Jihyun suggested and after voting, all of you decide to dance to 'YooHoo'. "The two of you know how to dance that, right?" Jihyun asked and both you and Bora nodded. "And for the last performance, i'm thinking of dancing to B.A.P 'Stop It' with all the dance club members." Lina said and all of you agreed. "Nayoon-ah, since this is our last time dancing together, you should take a part too, and not just dance only." Jihyun suggested and after worrying and pindering about it, you finally agreed hesitantly. "I'll be taking Jieun-ssi's part, Nayoonie will be taking 'Hana-ssi's part, Bora will be taking Hyosung-ssi's part and Lina will be taking Sunhwa-ssi's part, right?" Jihyun asked after the voting and all of you nodded.

After wearing the stage outfit, all of you stood backstage while your family, B.A.P members and your friends are sitting at the back. You and Bora are talking to Subin when the MC spoke, indicating that it's your turn. "The dance club will be performing SECRET 'YooHoo'." The MC said and the four of you stood at the right place. Soon, music starts and all of you started performing. B.A.P saw and got shocked at how good the four of you are. "Hyung, they really look like the Play Dance team." Zelo said and Yongguk smiled. Once the performance is over, all of you left and the hoobaes for the dance club performed SJ 'No Other'. When their performance ended, you, Bora, Jihyun and Lina went on stage with two hoobaes and B.A.P 'Stop It' played and all of you started performing.

When Youngjae's part came on, all the dance club members went out and started spraying snow-like foam all over and playing and soon, the performance ended and everyone cheered. "Thanks for helping us." Lina and Jihyun thanked and both you and Bora smiled. "Glad to help." You said and left with Bora after chaging out of the performance outfit. Once both of you are walking, your friends, B.A.P members and your family went towards the two of you. "Nice performance." Himchan complimented and both you and Bora smiled while blushing and thanked him. "Oppas, unnie, let's go and play those games then." You said and Bora nodded. "I want to try that dart game our class did. I never tried it before." Bora said and you agreed. "Come on, let's go and play." You said and everyone followed you and Bora to all the stalls and played all the games.

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