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A few weeks later, the practice is over and all of you ended the part-time job just in time for school opening. The next day, you went to school and saw Yoojin in class. "Yoojinnie, where's Bora?" You asked, curious. "Not here yet." Yoojin answered and you nodded As you are sitting on your seat, Bora came rushing in. "Slept in late huh?" You said in a teasing tone and she just smiled sheepishly.

Meanwhile, B.A.P is free from practicing for two days and as the members are taking this time to fully rest, Yongguk is in TS, working on their next album. "Yah, you should take a rest once in awhile." Manager Kang but Yongguk just waved it off.

Once school ended, all of you went to the music room. Yoojin went straight to take out the snacks while brewing tea while the three of you started chatting. The door opens and Seorim walked in. "Sunbaenim, good afternoon." She greeted and all of you greeted back. "Thought of a new song?" Soyeon asked, can't help but feel sad. "Soyeon-ah, we'll add your songs in the album, aright?" You comforted her and she smiled.

It's already evening by the time all of you are leaving school. "See you tomorrow." Both you and Soyeon bid the three of them goodbye and they said the same thing back. "I knew you wrote a few songs, right?" Soyeon said and you scoffed. "As if. I've been busy here and there but i'm going to finish it soon." You said and she nodded. "See you." Soyeon said and you waved goodbye to her which she did the same to you. As you are walking home, your phone rang vibrated and you answered it.

"Yeoboseyo?" You answered. "Nayoon-ah.. Guk's in the hospital." Yongnam said and you froze at the spot. "W-wae?" You stammered, fear evident in your voice. "He's fainted in TS while working." Yongnam answered. "We are going there now. Want to come with us?" Yongnam asked and after you answered him, you went home. Once you reached home, it's empty. After throwing your bag into your room, not caring where, you went to wash up and walked towards your brothers' room. When you reached their room door, your hands shook as you reached for the door knob. *How long has it been since i've been inside?* You wondered and then the door knob turned, the door creaked open and you scanned the room. *Guk oppa is really in the hospital.* You thought and tears kept falling.

After calming yourself down and compose yourself, you wiped away your tears and took your school bag, phone and went to the hospital in your school shoes, Once you reached the reception counter, you walked towards the nurse. "Annyeonghaseyo, may i know which room is Bang Yongguk-ssi is in?" You asked and after the nurse told you, you walked straight to the room. When you arrived at the door, you heard people talking and you hurriedly hid yourself when you heard the door knob turning. As you peeked from your hiding place, you saw your family with B.A.P members, walking out with their manager. *Is it that serious?* You wondered, nervous and panicking.

Once all of them are out of sight, you walked to the ward and heaved a sigh of relieve when it's a personal ward. *I hope TS is paying for this because i sure know we have no money for this room.* You thought and you swore that your heart almost stopped pumping when you saw your brother lying on the bed with IV drip in his arm and an oxygen mask covering his nose and mouth. "Oppa.. Please wake up." You begged softly as tears pricked your eyes.

As you sat at his bedside, you sighed and suddenly thought of something. You took out a notebook and a pencil and started writing a song about your brother. As you are writing, you feel drowsy and soon, you fell asleep with your head lying beside his hand and with the notebook of half-written lyrics opened and a pencil on the other hand.

An hour passed and Yongguk slowly opened his eyes, blinking it a few times to get used to the surrounding. Once his vision cleared, he looked to his bedside to see you sleeping. He took off the oxygen mask and saw the notebook under your arm. He slowly shifted your arm away from the notebook and luckily you are still asleep. He saw half-written lyrics and his brows knitted together when he saw the tittle, 'Not Alone'. *What's this?* Yongguk wondered but sighed, giving up and not stressing his brain. He patted you softly and smiled. *Thanks for staying with me.* He thanked and went back to sleep.

Morning came and your phone vibrated, waking you and Yongguk up. "Yeoboseyo?" You answered, sleepily. "Yah! Bang Nayoon! Where are you?! Your mum said that you left early." Soyeon shouted at the other line and you jumped up, fully woke up. "Yah! Help me take a change of uniform, gomawo." You thanked and ended the call. "Mianhae oppa, woke you up?" You asked as you looked at Yongguk and smiled sheepishly, making Yongguk smile as well. "You'll be late, right? Go on." Yongguk said and you hurriedly took everything and left. Yongguk shook his head while smiling. *Nayoonie, you are still the same.* Yongguk thought and chuckled to himself.

A few minutes later, he felt vibration and he looked at his phone which showed nothing and he look at his bed and saw your phone. He shook his head and laughed a little. As he pressed the unlock button, he saw something and his eyes widen but his mouth turned into a smile. He saw his quote on your phone's lock screen. You typed '"Do what you like, love what you do" -Bang Yongguk'. He smiled to himself and lie on the bed, closing his eyes. *Seems like i have a special fan but i didn't know.* Yongguk thought and smiled to himself.

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