Live performance

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Once Bora finished re-taking her exams which she aced with the help of Soyeon's last minute cramming, the four of you are having tea time, not even practicing. "Yah, want to rehearse for the MC?" You asked and Bora nodded. "Since you are in the middle, you be the MC." You said and Bora hyped up. Soon, the two of you are having fun, cracking jokes here and there and laughing at your own jokes while Yoojin and Soyeon just smiled while looking at you and Bora.

A few days passed and it's already the day for the school's summer festival. Your class is doing a food stall for the summer festival and both you, Bora and Yoojin are helping while Soyeon went to practice on her own and warming up her vocals as she is the sub-vocalist. An hour passed and your classmates looked at Bora. "Yah, aren't you suppose to be practicing?" They asked and she nodded. "Go then." They said and she looked at them, unsure. "Go on, i'll find other people to replace you." One of the classmate said and she thanked her and left. "Nayoon, Yoojin! Let's go!" Bora shouted and both you and Yoojin ran with her to the music room.

Once the three of you reached, the three of you saw that she's warming up her vocals and smiled. "Yah, don't push me." You scolded softly as you felt Bora pushing you. "Shh.. Keep quiet." Yoojin said and soon, the door flew open and all of you fell down, making Soyeon looking at three of you. "Come on, since you are here already, let's practice." She said while clearing her throat and all of you agreed. After practicing for an hour, Soyeon looked at the time and noticed that is near the performance time. "Yah! Let's hurry." She said and all of you took the instruments and went to the backstage of the hall. "Are we late?" You asked, panting as you looked at your classmate who's also in the student council. "Aniyo, just in time." She said and all of you heaved a sigh of relieve.

"Next up is Dream Music!" The MC said and the curtain falls and all of you went to the stage. After setting the drums, piano and the mic stands, you looked at them and after nodding, you faced the front and the curtain rose. All of you are stunned because there are lots of people, including people outside of your school. "Ready?" You asked and after all of you signalled 'ready', you beat the sticks. "Here we go. One, two three." You said and all of you started performing. During the performance, Bora forgot to sing but luckily Soyeon sang and Bora caught on and sang, making all of you heaved a sigh of relieve.

Once the concert ended, everyone applauded and cheered. "Thank you everyone!" Bora shouted through the microphone and everyone cheered more. As all of you are walking towards backstage, Soyeon tripped over one of the wires and fall, accidentally have an accident, making everyone gasped while the three of you stifle a laugh and she's blushing mad.

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