Meeting B.A.P

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Once you reached home, it's already evening and you threw your bag to a side and lay on your bed, after locking the door, not wanting to greet your mother who's in the kitchen. A few minutes after lying on your bed, you went to bathe. After washing up, you went to the dining room, sighing internally. "Nayoon-ah, you haven't met Guk's members right?" Natasha asked, curious and you sighed internally. "Not like it matters." You muttered under your breath and luckily, no one heard. "Want to meet them?" Yongnam asked and you shook your head. "Aniyo. It's oppa's members, not mine so it's okay even if i don't meet them, right? And besides, i've already met Himchannie oppa before." You said and they sighed.

As they are telling you reasons why you are to meet his members, you groaned internally and agreed after your mother's nagging. *She is really annoying.* You thought as you groaned while lying on your bed. "Not like they care anyways." You muttered and sighed. As you turned to your side, you saw some soft toys at your bed side and sighed. *What made me drift apart from my family?* You wondered and thought of all the times your mother started comparing you to your siblings and your face darkened. *Oh right.. That.* You thought and sighed.

It's sunday and all of you are at the concert venue, waiting to go in. Once the concert ended, you are sighing, looking around, uninterested. "Yah, Guk's here." Yongnam said and pointed to Yongguk walking towards all of you. "Good concert oppa." You said, putting a smile and Yongguk smiled. "Glad you finally come." Yongguk said and you nodded. "Hyung, is that your dongsaeng?" Jongup asked when he saw you and Yongguk nodded. "Yo." Himchan greeted and you smiled. "Oppa, long time no see." You said and Himchan nodded. "How have you been?" Himchan asked, curious. "Well.. Good, i think? Oppa?" You asked and the two of you started talking. "Yah, let's go meet our members." Himchan said and you followed him. "Meet Youngjae, Jonguppie, Junhongie and Daehyunnie." Himchan introduced and they nodded, you bowed back. "Guys, meet Yonggukkie's dongsaeng, Nayoonie." Himchan said and they smiled while waving.

"Annyeong oppas." You greeted while waving and smiling and they smiled back. "Which grade are you in?" Youngjae asked, trying to start a conversation. "Me? First year of high school." You said and they looked at you. "Wow.." Daehyun unknowingly said, making Youngjae elbow him and you laughed. "You are funny." You said and Daehyun just smiled sheepishly. "Oppas, are you good at playing instruments?" You asked as you looked at them. "Well.. I can play the piano but Himchannie hyung is better." Daehyun said and you looked at him. "I can play drums and guitar only. The piano is hard. How do you play that? Oppa's amazing." You said and Daehyun smiled at the compliment. "Jongup oppa, do you like watching anime? You seem like the type that likes watching cartoons and animes." You asked and soon, you, Jongup and Zelo are talking about animes and exchanging good animes titles. "Wow.. I was thinking that she'll be like Yonggukkie hyung." Youngjae said and Himchan laughed. "When i first met her, i also thought that but she's actually an outgoing and fun person, a total opposite of Yonggukkie." Himchan said and they nodded.

Soon, everyone left the concert. "Nayoon-ah, want to come with us for dinner?" Youngjae asked and you shook your head. "I'm going to the new opened restaurant with my friends. I'm trying out their food." You said and left while calling your friends. "Definitely opposite of Yonggukkie hyung." Daehyun said and Himchan laughed. "I know right." Himchan said and they smiled.

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