School decided

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A week after the culture festival, all the seniors are preparing for SAT, including you and your friend. "Yah, since SAT is in a few months time, the teachers told us to do self-study and no club activities." Soyeon said and the four of you nodded.

As the four of you are talking and planning for the group study, Miss Jeon walked in. "Soyeon-ah, can i have a word with you?" She requested and Soyeon went with her. "What's wrong ssaem?" Soyeon asked, curious. "Soyeon-ah.. You got a recommendation for Seoul National University." Miss Jeon said and Soyeon looked at her, shocked. "J-jinjjayo?!" Soyeon asked, shocked and she nodded. "But ssaem.. Mianhae.. But.. I.. I'm going to reject it." Soyeon said and Miss Jeon looked at her. "Waeyo? It's a rare chance." She said but Soyeon shook her head while smiling. She bowed and left. "Soyeon-ah, what's wrong?" Bora asked, curious and worried. "Did you get scolded?" Yoojin asked and Soyeon shook her head. "It's nothing." Soyeon said and they nodded while you look at her, suspicious.

As you are walking home with her, you looked at her back-view and you stopped walking. "Soyeon-ah.. Y-you rejected the offer from the university, right?" You asked and Soyeon stopped walking and turned around to look at you. "How did you know?" She asked and looked down. "Wae?" You asked as you walked to her, closing the distance between the two of you. "Because.. I want to go to the same university as all of you." Soyeon said and you looked at her, wide-eyed. "Me too." You said and Soyeon giggled. "Guess we have the same idea then, huh?" Soyeon said and you nodded.

The next day, the four of you went to the empty class and looked at each other. "So.. Let's decide which school all of us want to go then." Bora said and all of you nodded. "I'm okay with any school though." Bora said and Soyeon looked at her. "If you can get in, that is." Soyeon teased and got hit on the arm by Bora. "Nayoon-ah, which school are you aiming for?" Yoojin asked, curious. "It's not really aiming but.. I want to try getting into Kyunghee Cyber University, if that's okay with all of you." You said and they nodded. "Let's go there then." Soyeon said and all of them nodded. "Let's go and tell ssaem." Yoojin said and all of you went to the teacher's office.

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