A band?!

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The next day, you and your friends are in the music room once school ended. "Nayoon-ah, Soyeon-ah, we'll be going to the toilet first." Bora said and once you showed an 'ok' sign, Bora and Yoojin went to the ladies. "So? Quarreled again?" Soyeon asked as both of you are on the stairs, walking to the fourth floor. "You can say that." You said while smiling sheepishly and Soyeon sighed.

You are lounging on the couch while Soyeon sat on a chair, head lying on the desk. Soon, Bora and Yoojin walked in. "Hey girls, i brought some utensils from my home." Yoojin said and placed a tea cup set on the desk. "Let's have some afternoon tea." Yoojin said and Bora agreed, along with you. As she is brewing the tea, the three of you sat on the chairs. "So.. What did you girls want to do with this club?" Soyeon asked as she looked at you and Bora. "I was thinking a band, you know, those bands that performed in those live cafes." You said and Bora's eyes lit up.

"The tea's done." Yoojin said and placed the tea-filled cups on the table. "I want to do that too. Then we can perform live on the school's stage when we have festivals or something." Bora said and both you and her got carried away and blabbered away. "Yah!" Soyeon shouted, gaining yours and Bora's attention. "I think it sounds fun." Yoojin agreed and Soyeon sighed. "So.. Who's in charge of what?" Soyeon asked and took a sip of the tea. "Well.. I can play the drums." You said and they nodded. "Then, you are in charge of the drums. I can play guitar." Bora said and they looked at her, shocked. "You know how to play guitar?" Soyeon asked, shocked. "You don't believe me?!" Bora gasped and acted hurt. "N-no, i didn't say that." Soyeon got flustered and you teased her, making her hit you on the head.

"I can play the bass guitar.. Yoojin?" Soyeon asked as she looked at her. "Piano for me. I've been playing piano since 4." Yoojin said and all of you nodded. "Now.. Time to rest." Bora said and both you and Bora laid on the couch. "Yah! We have to practice." Soyeon said and you waved your hand, waving the question away. "It's not like we know what to play, right?" You groaned and Bora agreed, making Soyeon sigh. "Well.. Since we know who's in charge of what, let's go home." Bora said and you agreed with her. "Let's go then." Soyeon sighed. "Bora-ah, bring your guitar here on monday." Soyeon reminded and Bora just nodded and waved her hand, making Soyeon uneasy.

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