Last orientation

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It's a new year again and all of you managed to get into next year. "Wow.. Thought i would flunk it." Bora said as she heaved a sigh of relieve and you agreed with her. "Me too." You said and both you and Bora laughed. "Sure are an optimistic bunch, aren't you?" Soyeon said and both you and Bora smiled. "Yah, go and see which class we are in." You said and Bora nodded.

After sneaking past through all the students who are gathered in front of the bulletin board, she finally saw and walked back to you. "Which class?" Yoojin asked and Bora showed a 'peace' sign and smiled. "All of us are in the same class." Bora said and all of you cheered. "Sunbaenim, good morning." Seorim greeted all of you while bowing. "Seorimmie, good morning." All four of you greeted her back. "Have fun, we are going to our class now." Yoojin said and all of you left after bidding her goodbye.

Once the four of you reached the class, you sat at the back seat, near the window while Yoojin sat near the front with Bora and Soyeon sat a few seats behind Bora. "Subinnie, you are in this class too?" You asked as you saw Subin, who sat right in front of you. "Ne, and i see that the four of you are in this class too." Subin said and you smiled. Soon, the teacher came and once school is over, the four of you went to the music room and saw Seorim is not in yet.

"I brought macaroons today." Yoojin said and both you and Bora cheered. "The tea will be done soon." Yoojin said and all of you nodded. Soon, Seorim walked in. "Annyeong." All four of you greeted and she greeted back. "Sunbaenim, the orientation is tomorrow. What song will you perform tomorrow?" Seorim asked as she walked towards her seat after putting her guitar and bag on the floor. "I haven't thought of that.. Our first song?" Yoojin suggested and all of you agreed. "Okay then, let's practice after snacking." Soyeon said and all of you nodded.

The next day, it's orientation and the five of you are at backstage, waiting for your turn. "Yah, good luck." Lina wished as she saw your club. "Gomawo." All of you thanked and wished her back. After the dance club, it's music club. After setting up everything, all of you performed. "Thanks for listening and come and join our music club! Kamsahamnida." Bora spoke once the performance ended and all of you left the stage. "Nice performance." Subin said and the five of you beamed happily.

After waiting for an hour in the music room, no one came and all of you sighed out a deep sigh. "No one came huh?" You and Soyeon sighed. Once evening came, all of you left school.

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