Stop club activities?!

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It's friday and Soyeon hold up the lyrics and music sheet for the live performance. "Yah, Bora-yah, go and pass the form for us using the stage to the student council." Soyeon ordered and Bora nodded. A few minutes later, she came back. "What did they say?" You asked as you looked at her. "They said 'okay'." Bora said and all of you heaved a sigh of relieve. "Wait.. Who's going to be the vocalist?" You asked and looked at Soyeon. "Soyeon?" You asked and she turned away, embarrassed. "Fine.. You are out.. Yoojin?" You asked as you looked at her. "I got my hands full with playing the piano so.." Yoojin said and you sighed. "Bora?" You asked as you looked at the now excited Bora who smiled widely. "YES!" Bora shouted and you shook your head.

"Soyeon-ah, let us see the lyrics." Bora said and Soyeon passed all of you the lyrics. After reading a few lines, your hands are balled into a fist because it's too cute for your liking. "I love it." Bora said and you sighed. "Alright then, since we got that cut out for us, let's practice then." You said and all of you nodded. After practicing for a few weeks, all of you finally perfected it. "Great, we finally perfected it. Now, let's all focus on our studies." Soyeon said and both you and Bora reluctantly nodded.

Once you reached home, you saw your mother's dark face. "Why not stop with your stupid band practice and actually put it into your studies?" She said coldly and you looked at her, trying to calm yourself down. "It is not stupid, for your information and besides, i won't get good grades like oppas and unnie so stop pushing me." You said angrily and went to your room, locking it. You threw your bag to a side and lay on your bed. *What's with her and grades?* You wondered and sighed.

During the last night of exam preparation, you called Soyeon. "Soyeon-ah, can you teach me?" You said, quite desperately and Soyeon sighed. "You haven't study yet?" She asked, not surprised at all and you responded. "Come over for the night. Let's cramp everything into that head of yours." She said and after you packed everything necessary, you went over to her house, not even asking permission from your family.

Once the exam ended, all of you got back the results. "Finally, it's over!" You screamed as you lay your head on the table, heaving a sigh of relieve and Soyeon shook her head. "I know right? Being first year of high school, the exam is definitely harder than middle school." Yoojin said and Soyeon agreed. "Where's Bora?" Yoojin asked and you pointed to a corner, where Bora is sitting at, crying. "Bora-ah, we know that it's difficult but.." You said, not really knowing how to cheer her up or even finding the right words for the situation. "I'm the only one that needs to re-take the exam." She said while sobbing and the three of you got speechless. "Umm.. I know it is hard and difficult but.. I think i have to tell you that.. If you fail this exam, you can't be in this club anymore." Soyeon informed, shocking all of you. "What do you mean?!" You shouted, shocked. "We just perfected it too. Bora-yah, you have to ace it." You said, desperately and you nodded. "If you don't know, just call Soyeonnie. Her last minute cramming helps alot." You said and Soyeon smacked your head. "We'll help you so work hard alright." Soyeon said and Bora nodded.

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