Another quarrel

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As you are walking home, both Bora and Yoojin waved goodbye at a cross-section and both you and Soyeon waved goodbye to them. "See you tomorrow!" You shouted and Bora shouted back. "What are you going to do? Your parents want you to be like your oppa and unnie, right?" Soyeon asked as the two of you continued walking. "Well.. I always talk back to them since middle school. They should just let me do my own thing rather than forcing me to be like one of them which i can't since i hate studying the most. I mean.. Who even likes studying?" You rambled and Soyeon just sighed while shaking her head.

When you reached home, your mother is in the kitchen. "Nayoon-ah, which club did you join?" She asked, hoping it's something related to studies. "Music club." You said and your mother's face darkened. "I see." She said coldly. "You should've joined the math decathlon or the chess club or something useful instead of that lame club." She said and you are trying to control your temper. "Well.. What i join have nothing to do with you, right?" You talked back and went into your room. You locked your room door and throw your bag to a side and lie on your bed, hoping night will come soon.

Once you woke up, you looked out your window and it's all dark. You looked at your clock at it shows nine. *Wow.. 9pm already?* You wondered and went to bathe. After washing up, you went to the living room and saw Yongnam sitting there, watching tv. "Nam oppa, where's unnie?" You asked as you sat beside him. "Noona's still at Itaewon." Yongnam replied and looked at you. "I heard eomma saying that you talked back to her again." Yongnam said and you sighed. "Well.. Which club i join is really none of her business, right? And besides, i can't get good grades like oppas and unnie so.. Why can't eomma just understand that?" You said and Yongnam patted your head. "She just wants the best for you." Yongnam said while smiling. "Well.. She doesn't even understand me. How can she know what's good for me or what's not?" You answered back and sighed. "Nayoon-ah, just.. Just listen to her once in a while, alright? Eomma's upset because of you." Yongnam said and you got angry at that. "Whatever." You said and after taking your dinner, you went into your room.

*Listen?! Listen?! When did you guys ever listen to me?! I'm sick and tired of people telling me what's right or wrong and controlling my life. I'm in high school now, i know what is right and wrong.* You shouted in your head and went to sleep after making a song on your laptop.

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