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Once the culture festival is over, it's time for the finals. "Cramming again?" Soyeon asked and both you and Bora nodded. "I just need to score good enough to go to second year." You said and Bora high-fived you, agreeing with you and Soyeon sighed while shaking her head. "Well.. Club activities are stopping here then." Soyeon announced and all of you nodded.

Once you reached home, you saw your mother and Yongnam are at home. "Are you done playing around? Time to focus, don't you think?" Your mother said and you groaned while rolling your eyes. "Is grades all you can think about? Don't worry, i won't repeat a year." You said and walked back to your room, locking it. Yongnam heard everything and sighed internally. "Eomma, why are you pressuring Nayoonie to get good grades?" Yongnam asked as he looked at her. "Because you, Guk and Natasha got good grades and if she doesn't, don't you think Guk's fans and other people might talk about her?" She said and Yongnam nodded. "But eomma, why can't you just tell her? And i don't think she's the type that will listen to them anyways." Yongnam said and she sighed. "It's because she doesn't care that is why i didn't tell her. Who knows, if i told her, she might scold them." She said and Yongnam agreed. "So.. you would rather her getting angry at you and not at the other people?" Yongnam asked and she nodded.

A few days passed and both you and Bora are actually studying. The four of you met at the library so as to do a group study. "Yah, let's try this." Bora said as she make a game out of the unused papers. "And? We are supposed to study." Soyeon sighed but got ignored. After playing for around forty minutes, all of you went back to studying, more like Yoojin and Soyeon teaching you and Bora. A week is over and finals are here. "Prepared?" Yoojin asked and all of you nodded. After revising one last time, all of you went to exam hall.

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