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A few months later, SAT is finally here. "Where's Bora? She's going to be late if she's not here any minute." Soyeon said, nervous. "Yah, did you have your SAT identification paper?" You asked and Yoojin showed hers and you took out yours. "Where's mine?!" Soyeon started panicking. After fiddling with her bag, she finally found it. "Are you ready?" You asked once you saw Bora running towards all of you. "Yah-" "Don't talk to me. It feels like i might drop something out." Bora said, cutting Soyeon and all of you nodded. Once all of you reached the SAT venue, the four of you looked at each other. "Good luck." The four of you wished each other and went inside.

A few hours later, SAT ended and the four of you let out a long sigh. "How did you do?" Yoojin asked, curious. "Well.. I don't really know.. But i'm glad that SAT is over." You said and Bora agreed. "Just hope we can get into the same school." Bora said and they nodded. "Since it's late, let's all go home." Soyeon said and all of you agreed.

Once you reached home, you saw Yongnam is sitting on the couch, watching tv. "Welcome back, how is it?" Yongnam asked and you just shrugged your shoulders. "I just hope i can pass." You said and Yongnam chuckled. "Go and take a rest then. Eomma and appa won't be home for a few days since they are visiting one of our aunts in the countryside." Yongnam informed and you nodded. When you reached your room, you just threw your bag to a side and lay on your bed, not bothering to lock your door or change out of your uniform.

Soon, Natasha came home with Charu. "Hyung, noona." Yongnam greeted and Natasha and Charu greeted back. "Noona, hyung, the dinner is ready, you can eat now." Yongnam said and they went to help themselves while Yongnam went to your room. After knocking a few times, no respond and when he tried turning your knob, the door opened, shocking him because you always lock it. "Nayoon-ah, dinner's ready." Yongnam said but you never moved. "Nayoon-ah." Yongnam said as he tried shaking you and you felt warm. "Noona! Nayoon's having fever!" Yongnam shouted and Natasha ran to your room. "I'll change her clothes, you go and wet a cloth." Natasha said and Yongnam nodded.

After changing your clothes, Yongnam put the wet cloth on your forehead and soon, you opened your eyes slowly. "Oppa? What time is it now?" You asked, curious. "It's already 9 at night. Hungry?" Yongnam asked and you shook your head. "Yah, wait here for awhile." Yongnam said and took out a cool forehead pack. "Stay still." He said and put the cool forehead pack on your forehead. "I'll go and cook porridge, you wait for me at the living room." Yongnam said and you nodded. "You stayed up all night a few days, right?" Yongnam asked as he stirred the rice. "Oppa, how did you know?" You asked, shocked. "I saw, pabo." Yongnam said and you blushed. "And even with that health you are at, you even danced to Guk's songs. Are you trying to work yourself to death?" Yongnam scolded and you looked down. "Mianhae.. But i'm okay now, really. And this is just a fever, it'll go down soon." You said and Yongnam sighed.

The next day, Yongguk came home for a short while and saw you with the forehead pack and he sighed. "Sick?" Yongguk asked and you nodded. "She'll be fine soon, don't worry." Yongnam said and Yongguk nodded. After talking your medicine, you fell asleep soon because of the drowsiness and the twins continued talking after tucking you in bed.

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