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Today was the annual state fair. Jack said all the guys are going and invited me. Christina, Corbyns girlfriend, is coming too. She's the only reason I agreed.

I decided to keep my outfit casual. I put on black ripped jeans, Jacks red sweater (that I robbed), and my black vans. I double french braid my hair and apply minimal amount of makeup, just the basic look.

Curly🍟: I'm picking you up in 15. Zach has to ride with us:(

Me: Awe I love Zach! Don't be a butt

Curly🍟: I'm not a butt! You and Zach are butts!

Me: mhm, okay hunny

I lay on my couch until I get a text.

Curly🍟: here

I go out to the car and don't see anyone in the passenger seat. Zach must have sat in the back. I open the door.

"You don't want the front?" I ask. "I do but Jack won't let me" he huffs. I laugh and get in the front. "I said don't be a butt. Yet, here you are" I smile. "Oh shush" he smiles back.

We meet up with the guys near the entrance. I see Corbyn showing a pretty, skinny girl something on his phone. She was gorgeous.

As we walked up she looked at me and smiled. She ran and engulfed me in a hug. "Omg hi! Jack told me a lot about you" she says, pulling away. "I've heard a lot about you too" I lie. They didn't tell me shit about her.

We walk together, following the guys through the crowd. "How long are you staying?" I ask. "Just two days" she answers. "Oh that sucks" I say. I'm a super awkward person when it comes to being social with strangers.

"Ky, want to go on the Ferris wheel with me?" Jack asks, looking back at us. "Sure"

"Race you there!" Jack bolts off towards the Ferris wheel. "No fair!" I yell as I run after him. Finally I catch up to him as he stops in the line.

"I win" he smirks at me. "You cheated" I huff. Man I'm really out of shape.

Everyone else catches up to us. "There's an odd amount of us so there has to be a group of three since I'm guessing no one wants to go solo" Jonah looks around at us. "I'm guessing the two couples are going together" Jonah smiles at me. "No, I'm going with Jack, Zach can go with you" I smile right back. (#Jachary)

"Haha, very funny. One, I hate Zach-" "Hey!" Zach whines. "Two, Kylie and I are not dating! We've told you guys so many times" he rolls his eyes.

We get to the front of the line. Jack and I race for the first spot. I sit across from him. I look behind him and see Corbyn holding the small door for Christina. They sit beside each other and cuddle.

"I need a relationship" I sigh. Jack looks up at me. "You don't need one, you want one" he corrects me. "Do you think about getting a girlfriend?" I ask.

Although Jack and I are close, we don't usually talk about feelings. Neither of us are good at expressing how we feel.

"Sometimes yeah, but I have you and that's all I need" he smiles. "Aweeee" I smile. "But what about the things I can't give you. Don't you want more with someone?" I ask. "I'm fine with what we have"

"Oh c'mon Jack, you can't say you don't want someone to have sex with. You sure as hell aren't sleeping with me" I say. He thinks for a second. "I've never really thought of you that way. I mean yeah, I make remarks but that's just for fun" he chuckles. "I guess I wouldn't mind having a relationship, nothing serious quite yet and she's have to like you. I can't have my girlfriend hating you or the other way around" he says.

"If I find someone, I'd make sure you like them and they like you too" I say.

We didn't notice we were at the top until I heard Christina squeal. "It's gorgeous" she says. I look over and see the city lit up. We could see the Hollywood sign perfectly.

I stare at the lights until we start moving again. We go around two times before being kicked off. "What's next?" Jack asks. "Can we go on the salt and pepper?" I ask. It's a ride when there are pods on each end of the post. You basically rotate all around while spinning in the pod. "No, definitely not. I'm not going on that death machine" he steps back.

"Will someone come on the salt and pepper with me? I've never been on it and want to go" I ask the rest of the group. "I'll go with you" Daniel says.

"Okay let's go" I grab his arm and pull him to the line. "We're going to get cotton candy, want some?" Jack asks. I hand him five dollars. "Thank you" I smile.

"So, you've never been on this?" Daniel asks. "Yeah, but I've always wanted too" I answer. "My sister hated it. She said it messed up her hair too much" he laughs. "My hair is already messed up so I don't care" I laugh too.

Once we reach the front, we give our tickets and get into a pod. "You want to hold my hand?" He asks as we're strapped in. "No I'm fine" I shake my leg. That's what I do when I'm nervous.

The ride starts up and we're flipped into the air while the others are strapped in. I grip the handles. "We haven't even started yet" he laughs, looking over at me. "Shut up"

The ride starts and the pod flips over. I hold my scream in the best I can. "Oh my god!" I yell. Daniel holds his hand out, offering it. I quickly grab it. He looks over at me and smiles. He laces our fingers together. This calms me slightly.

I shut my eyes and squeeze Daniels hand until the ride is over. It stopped and the cage opened. Our chest protectors are lifted up and we climb out. As we walk away I realize I was still holding Daniels hand. I let go and run towards Jack.

"How was it?" He asks. "I hated it, I should have listened when you said it was a death machine. I thought I was going to die!" I'm practically yelling in his face. "Well here, eat the cotton candy" he hands me blue cotton candy. I smile. He got me the biggest bag and it's blue. He knows me so well.

"Thank you" I say, opening the bag and grabbing a piece. Daniel snatched the piece and shoved it in his mouth. "Hey! Asshole!" I whine. He smirks at me. I turn away from him and shove some in my face.

"Want to play a game?" Daniel asks. "What game?" I question. "The water gun one" he suggests. I think for a second. "Sure"

Zach and Christina wanted to play too. We went, paid and got ready. As soon as the bell rung I went straight for the center of the donut. I was winning until my hand flinched and I missed for a second. This caused Daniel to win. "The bear please" the guy gives Daniel the bear. He hands the bear to me. "What?" I ask, not taking it from him. "I got it for you, you were going to win anyways" he says. I take the bear and tank him. "Although I would have liked the dog better" I smile and skip over to the rest of the group. He smiles and shakes his head.


Oh hi there :)
I'm doing an early update because
1. Yolo
And 2. This chapter is when things get start to get good so... yeah :)

Right now I have up to chapter 11 written so I'm bored of waiting for one every week 😂


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