T H I R T Y - T W O

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"Hold still!" I whine, holding onto the top of Jack's head. "I hate this, I hate both of you" Jack frowns. Daniel laughs, watching my movements. "You're gonna look gorgeous!" I squeal.

I add finishing touches to the makeup look. "You're done" I say, handing him a mirror. "Oh my god" he laughs. "I am gorgeous" he strikes a few selfie poses into the mirror. I laugh and pull out my phone, filming a Snap. "Look how good my boy looks" I say, pulling the mirror down, revealing his face to the camera. "Don't!" He whines, trying to grab my phone.

I save the video and lock the phone. "Daniel, your turn" I say, grabbing up at his hand. I yank him down and he switches spots with Jack. As I do Daniel makeup, Jack takes a few hundred selfies. "I'm sending this to the guys" Jack laughs. "When I'm done, we're having a photo shoot" Daniel says, sitting with him eyes closed.

"Yes a photo shoot, I'll have to glam myself too" I say, blending out his contour, not that he needs it. "This is going to be really fun and embarrassing" Jack sits with us and watches everything I do. "What's that" he asks. "Glitter liner" i answer. "Did I get that?" He asks. "No, I'm doing a different look for him"

Once I had glammed up both the boys and myself, we got changed and set up a place to take the photos. Zach had come home, but when I went to grab him, he ran. I had never seen him run so fast.

We had him take the photos for us. I think there may have been one serious one, the rest were us goofing around. Lots of random videos were posted on social media and their fandom loved it.

"Can I take this off now?" Jack asks. "Yeah, wipes are right there" I point to my bag. Daniel walks over and puckers his red lips. I kiss him quickly. "Now I'm taking this off too" he laughs.

All the boys had come home by 5. We decided to try and make a homemade meal. It didn't work out too well when Zach complained about Daniel trying everything and double dipping.

"He's doing it again!" Zach whines, pointing to Daniel, who was dipping a carrot into the ranch after just biting it. "Zach, we have more dip" I laugh, handing him a small bowl. I walk over to Dani and smack his hand away. "Go check the chicken" I shoo him away.

"The rice is done" Jack says, placing the pot off to the side. We had made bbq chicken, garlic rice, and vegetables. When I say 'we' I mean Jack, Jonah and I. Corbyn had left to talk to Christina, Zach and Daniel just fought while eating all the vegetables Jonah had cut up.

We still managed to finish the meal and we all sat at the dining table. "This smells so good" Corbyn smiles. Everyone grabs some food, placing it on their plates. "Oh my god" Jonah moans, biting into the chicken. "This is delicious" he smiles, eating more.

"After dinner will you come get a new phone with me?" I ask Daniel. He nods, shoving more rice into his mouth. "Good, this one is so slow now that it's being spammed" I groan, looking down at the phone. I had turned it on airplane mode to stop all the messages. "Should i upgrade?" I ask. All the boys nod. "It's only a 6 right?" Jonah asks and I nod. "Then yes, upgrade"

After dinner I ran upstairs to change out of my sweat pants and put on jeans. I grabbed my wallet and car keys, running back down the stairs. "Ok, lets go" Daniel follows me out to the car. "You should get the iPhone X" he suggests. "I don't care what I get, as long as it's better than this" I motion to my old phone.

We had arrived at the phone store and was looking around. "I think I'm just going to get the iPhone 8" I say, pointing to the black one. The employe helps me set everything up, including changing my number. Finally I had the phone and was ready to go home. "What should we do now?" Daniel asks. "I just want to get comfy and warm" I say, driving back to the house. "Let's watch something in bed" he suggests.

As I get inside, I run straight upstairs. I change my pants back to sweats and take my bra off. I jump in the bed as Daniel walks in. He changes and climbs in next to me.

"What do you want to watch?" He asks, flicking around. "Can we watch blue planet?" I ask. He looks at me, confused. "Oh c'mon, it's so cool" I laugh. "I love seeing the sharks and dolphins"

"Ok, fine. Only for you, but don't be surprised if I fall asleep" he says, putting on the first episode. "That's fine" I smile.


Short but I needed to update while it's still Monday in Canada lol

Thanks for reading

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