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"Daniel, I'm going to shower then I'll make us breakfast" I say, climbing out of the bed. He moans and rolls into the middle of the bed.

I grab my towel and a change of clothes. I go into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I lay my towel on the counter and set my clothes on the toilet lid. I get in, turning the shower to hot and let the warm water fall over me.

After a few minutes I had washed my hair and was ready to get out. I had to shave my underarms quickly. I pause as I hear the door open.

"Daniel, what are you doing?" I ask. Nothing.

"Daniel, Daniel please don't!" I peak out the curtain. He was carrying a bucket of ice water.

"Daniel!" I scream. He smirks. "Daniel don't. Daniel I'm so sorry for pranking you. It was all fun and games. I'm sorry" I try to make him stop but he continues walking towards me. I close the curtain and turn off the water. I push myself against the far wall as best as I could. He pours the water from above the curtain and I scream at the cold water splashed onto me.

"DANIEL!" I cry. He laughs and I hear him leave. I peak out from behind the curtain. He took my towel and clothes. I peak out the bathroom door. Daniel was sitting on my bed with my clothes and towel beside him.

"You asshole" I spit. He smiles.

"Come on, come get your stuff" he smirks. I close the door, looking around for something to cover myself with. "Shit" I mutter.

My hair was dripping wet, so I tie it up. I stop for a moment. Well shit. I have to go out there naked.

I open the door and peak back out. His head shoots up, looking at me. "You coming?" He asks. "Daniel, please don't do this" I whine. "Awe, I guess you didn't think about that when you rubbed cream in my face and filled my bed with shoes" he laughs. "Daniel, this is different. I don't want you to see me naked" I complain. "Oh c'mon babe, I'll see you naked eventually" he smirks. Asshole dani is back.

I guess I have no choice. But he doesn't get away that easily. I step out and walk straight at him. His eyes widen as he looks me up and down. I smirk.

I kneel down in front of him. He visibly gulps. "Is this what you wanted?" I put my hands on his knees, sliding them up his legs. He watches me, not saying anything.

"Dani, if you wanted to fuck me you could have just said so" he continues staying silent. I run my hands over his crotch area. He lets out a slight moan. He gets hard. I smile.

"Thanks" I grab my clothes and within one swift move, I'm in the bathroom with the door locked. I quickly put my clothes on and walk back out. He was still sitting there, awkwardly.

"What the fuck just happened?" He asks. "You forced me to do that. I had to get you back" I laugh. "I actually don't know what to say right now" he looks up to me. "Did you actually think I would fuck you after you did that to me?" I ask. "Well, not at first. Once you were kneeling naked in front of me, it crossed my mind"

"I had to get you back for making me walk out naked" I laugh. "You're such a tease" he shakes his head. "I could have been even more of a tease but I went easy on you" I wink and walk out of the room. He gets up and follows me. "No time for breakfast anymore, Jack is on his way to pick us up" I grab all my stuff for the sleepover and grab my keys.

We hear Jack honk and head down, locking the door behind me. Daniel gets in the back while I get in the front. "So what did you guys do?" Jack asks. I stay quiet, looking at Daniel through the rear view mirror. "Nothing really" Daniel answers. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"All the guys are waiting at the house. Gabbie was going to come but she promised her friend that she'd film something for her. I'll just tell her all of the details later" he explains. I simply nod.

We arrived at the house and went in. All three guys were sitting in the living room, waiting for us.

I "struggle" with my shoe, waiting for Daniel to sit down so I can sit next to him. I have another plan. Daniel sits on one couch, alone. I go sit closely next to him. He looks over at me. I smirk, causing him to look nervous.

"So we need to pick a beach house to rent out and I have a few options here" Jonah scrolls on his laptop. As everyone focuses on Jonah, I slide my hand onto Daniels lap. He stiffens.

"What are you doing?" His voice cracks. I smirk, knowing I'm teasing him. I lean onto him slightly. "Nothing" i reply.

"I like that one" Zach points at the screen. They all nod. As Jack looks over at us, I pull my hand away. He gives me a weird look. I smile at him. "When would we go?" Corbyn asks.

"We can go all next week. Get there on Saturday and stay until the next Saturday" Jonah explains. Everyone agrees.

"Now let's just pick a place and I'll handle the rest" Jonah says. They all look back to the computer. I slide my hand back onto Daniel.

"You need to stop doing this" he whispers. "Do what?" I ask, looking at him. "You're such a tease, just wait until I actually get you in bed" he mumbles. I roll my eyes. "As if"

When I look back over at the guys, Jack was watching us. "Oh shit" I slide away from Daniel. "Haha you're in trouble" Daniel laughs. "You're in trouble, I'll tell him what happened and he'll punch you or something" I laugh. Jack gives Daniel the death glare. "Told you"


We were getting ready for bed. Jack hadn't talked to me all day. Daniel was avoiding Jack and Jack was avoiding me.

"Are you sure you don't want to sleep with him?" Jack mumbles. I sigh. "Jack, nothings going on between us" his head shoots up to me. "So you're lying to me now? Since when do we lie to each other?" He asks. "I'm not lying!"

"Well then what was that? You were cuddled up on him with your hand resting on his dick!" Jack throws the pillow he was holding at Daniel. "You want to know what happened? Prank wars happened" I say as straight faced as I could. I only broke into a laugh as I heard Daniel giggle from behind me. Jack stares at both of us. "What?"

"Daniel poured ice water on me while I was showering and he stole my towel and clothes. I had to walk out in front of him naked, so me being the hoe I am went and teased him while I was naked. While he was distracted I grabbed my clothes and ran to change. Now I just keep teasing him, that's it" I explain. "He saw you naked!?" Jack yells. "Yeah, so what?" I ask.

"He's mad I saw you naked before he did" Daniel cuts in. "I am not!" Jack yells, throwing another pillow at him. "Jack, calm down. I'm not going to sleep with him" I walk around the bed to Jack. "Lay down and relax" I say, sitting him down. I go grab the two pillows he had thrown and bring them back over to the bed. I hand one to Jack and place the other one beside him.

"Now both of you go to sleep, no fighting while I'm in the bathroom" I say, walking towards the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth and put up my hair. I walk back out, Jack was gone.

"Where did he go?" I ask. "He said he can't be in here with us so he went down to sleep on the couch" he explains. "Oh my god, he's such a baby" I go to get into the bed but Daniel stops me. He wraps his arms around my waist from behind. "Wanna sleep in my bed tonight?" He asks. I remove his hands from me and climb in Jack's bed. "Not at all"

"You know eventually you're going to sleep with me," he smirks, walking over to his bed. I scoff. "and you're gonna love it so much, you'll want to do it over and over and over" he flicks off the light. "Wanna bet?" I ask. "Yeah, actually I do" he flicks the light back on.

"Ok, I bet I'll have you in bed before tour starts" he gets up and walks towards me. "Sounds good. I've won money from Zach and now I'll win money from you" I stick out my hand. He shakes it.

"Let's do this"


I'm excited for the beach house. It'll take place within the next few chapters.

Once we hit 1,000 reads I'll post 2-3 chapters that Monday ;)

I love you all, I love that you all support me and everything I do. Couldn't do this without any of you <3

ALSO I picked a girl to play Kylie :)
You'll see who I picked in chapter thirteen.


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