T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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"Kylie wake up!" Someone nudges me. I sit up and see Jonah. "What?" I ask. He smiles. "It's baseball game day!" He cheers. I groan.

"C'mon! We leave in an hour" he walks out the room. I sit up and rub my eyes. I regret coming to Jonah's. He wakes me up at 8-9 am everyday, even when we aren't doing anything. I need my sleep.

Climbing out of the bed, I stretch and want to flop right back into it. Knowing I can't, I change into my black ripped jeans and a red cropped t shirt. I walk downstairs and see breakfast set out on the dinning table. "Morning" I mumble, sitting next to Esther.

"Jonah's forcing you to go to a game with him huh?" She asks. I nod as I bit into cantaloupe. "Yep" I say, chewing the fruit. "Have fun" she laughs. I groan and start loading up my plate.

"Thank you Carrie" i smile as she fills my cup with apple juice. "No problem sweetie" she smiles at me. Jonah sits down and starts eating. "Is anyone else coming with us?" I ask. He shakes his head. "My dad is out with some of his colleagues"

We finish eating and start getting ready to head out. "Got everything?" Jonah asks. I nod, slipping on my white converse. "Great, lets go. It takes about 30 minuets to drive there" we leave the house and climb in his car.

"Only 28 more days till I leave" I mention. We get onto the highway. "Are you excited?" He asks. "Of course not. I'm leaving you guys. I'm use to living alone and not having many friends so that's not very scary. The only reason I'm not excited is because I'm going to miss you guys" I explain. "But you're excited for the school right?" He asks. "Yeah I guess so, it is going to help me with my writing career so much" I pick at my nails.

"Well then that's good" he gets off and starts driving through a neighbourhood. "Yeah" I sigh. "We're almost there, it'll take your mind off of it" he smiles. I lean on the window and look out.

"I bet all these people have perfect families" I say, watching all the nice, huge houses pass by. "Not everything is as perfect as it seems" he pulls into a parking lot. "We're walking from here" he says, getting out the car. "Why?" I ask, following him.

"Just c'mon" he says, walking ahead. I jog to catch up. We stroll alongside of a field. "Where are we?" I ask. "We're almost to the ball arena" he answers. "The game doesn't start for another 30 minuets" I look at my phone. "I know" he smiles. I furrow my brows.

"C'mon, over here" he grabs my hand and pulls me to a park. "What are we doing" I allow him to drag me over to the swing set. "When Svea was watching this show, the characters were on a swing set trying to clear their mind. They forgot about how nice it is to relax and just be a kid again" he explains, sitting on one of the swings.

"So that's what we're doing?" I ask. He nods and smiles. "I can't believe you're twenty" I laugh, sitting on the second swing. "Believe it baby!" He cheers. We both start swinging.

"I'm going higher than you!" I laugh. "No you're not!" He swings his legs higher. "Look, were double dating!" I laugh and point at him. "What does that mean?" He asks. "When the swings are right beside each other, it's what my friends and I always called it when I was younger" I explain. He laughs. "Double dating, that's cute" he chuckles.

"This is helping" I say, letting my swing slow down. He jumps off. "I told you" he stands in front of me, grabbing the sides of my swing. "Let's go to the game before we're late" he says. I get off and we start walking to the arena.

"Who do you think will win today?" I ask. "Of course I'm hoping the twins, but our streak isn't so great against the Yankees" he shrugs. "I hope the twins win too" I say.

We arrive at the ball park and get inside. The game didn't start for another 10 minuets so we walked around for a little. "Want some popcorn?" He asks. "No thanks, I'd rather go get ice cream after" I smirk. "Oh, good idea" he smiles.

We find our seats and watch the teams warm up. "Why did you stop playing?" I ask. "I quit once I started gaining popularity. I toured with vidcon and it took up a lot of my time. Now I'd rather be doing music than baseball" he explains. "Makes sense" I say, looking out to the field. "You only quit cause you moved here, right?" He asks. "Yeah, I wanted to try and join a league out here but I got busy with work and Jack" I chuckle, thinking back to the days when I only knew Jack. I hadn't met the other guys, or even knew of their existence. Jack was always with me and he took up most of my time.

"Jack is a handful" Jonah laughs. "They all are, including you" I smile. He gasps. "Am not" he whines. "You know you are. I know I am too" I laugh. "That's true" he joins me in laughing.

The game starts and we settle in.


"Ice cream!" I yell as we walk back to the car. "Celebratory ice cream" Jonah says. "Celebratory? The twins lost, bad" I chuckle. "So what? We're celebrating" he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "And what should we celebrate?" I ask. He puts his hand to his chin and thinks. "How about you loving Daniel" he smirks. "We never did celebrate that" he adds.

"Fine, lets just say that" I shrug his arm off me and pull out my phone. "I haven't FaceTimed Daniel yet today" I say, pressing the call button.

Daniels face pops up with his big smile. "Hey!" I smile. "Hey, what's up?" He asks. "Jonah and I are on our way to get ice cream" I point the phone toward Jonah. "Yo!" He throws up a peace sign. "I'm just about to go to bed, I can talk for a few minutes" Daniel says. "Old man, isn't it only 10?" I ask. "Hey hey! I have to wake up early tomorrow" he frowns. "Oh right, you're going to your grandparents house" I say as he nods.

We arrive at the shop. "Okay, I've got to go but I'll talk to you tomorrow" I say, stopping at the door. "Okay, have fun" he smiles. "Goodnight" I smile back. "Goodnight Ky" he hangs up and I tuck my phone into my back pocket.

"So I'm buying" I say, walking into the shop and over to Jonah. "Uh no?" He looks at me confused. "Uh yeah?" I mock. "You bought slushies, my turn" I smirk. He sighs. "Fine"


Happy Monday! I'm actually posting on time and I'm also learning Spanish :) I don't know why tbh but I just wanted to the other day.

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