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"Hayden, what are you doing here?" I ask. Corbyn walked back over to me. I slightly hide behind him. "I'm here for a job, I finally went and got my g.e.d after you left" he explains. He got closer to us, but I didn't trust it.

"Um, Corbyn... this is my brother, Hayden" Hayden goes to shake his hand but I hold his arm down. "Uh... Okay" he awkwardly puts his hand back down.

"We have to go" I drag Corbyn past him. "You don't even want to see your own brother?" Hayden yells to us. "No! I don't!" I yell back.

"That's your brother?" Corbyn asks. "Yeah, he can get aggressive that's why I pulled you away" I explain. "Is that why you left them?" He asks. God Corbyn, why you asking so many questions?

"Yeah, he verbally abused me all my life and no one ever did anything. Sometimes he got physical, I just don't trust him. The way he was acting, he's off his medication" I explain. He nods and we walk back to my car.

"I didn't call Jack by the way, I mean I text him and said there's a guy named Hayden here and he freaked out but I said I'd handle it" Corbyn says, I start driving to their house.

"I guess that's good, hopefully he's waiting at home, not running around L.A looking for us" I say.

We pull in the driveway and all the guys were at the door. Jonah's nose and Jack's knuckle started bruising.

"Are you okay?!" Jack runs to me. "I'm fine" I push past him. I'm still mad that he punched Jonah. Daniels still a dick.

"What did he say to you?" Jack follows me as I push past the other guys. "I stormed off before much happened" I flop face down onto the couch. They all walk in and sit on the other couches. "He's off his medication" I say, turning my head to the side.

"Was your dad there too?" Jack asks. "No, just my brother" I answer. None of the other boys know much, just the basics.

"Now they're gonna know where I am" I sigh. "Yeah but they don't know where you live" Corbyn adds. "Yeah but they know the general area. My dad will want to see me and Hayden will ask for money or to stay with me" he use to ask to borrow money all the time, but never paid it back.

"Well, you're moving soon" Zach says. "Yeah, that's true" I roll over and sit up. They all watch me. "I just can't stand seeing him, he's so frustrating" they all nod.

"I don't know if nows the best time but-" I look at Jack. Great, what now? "We're all going home for two weeks before tour. We don't want to just leave you here so we all thought you could come with one of us" Jack explains.

"You all want me to go to meet your families?" I ask. I already met Jack's mom and sister, Sydney, once. "Yeah, you can pick who you want to go with. We all leave sometime next week" Jonah says.

I look back and forth between all of them. "You don't have to choose right now and if you don't even want to go, you don't have too" Corbyn adds. I look to Daniel, he looks away.

Well, I'm not picking him.

Right now my best option is Jonah, but even though I'm mad at Jack, I do want to go with him.

"What if you came to two of our houses, like one for a week and one for the other week" Zach suggests. "Oh I don't have enough money for that, especially with me taking another two weeks off work" I explain.

"You wouldn't be paying for either of your tickets" Jack says. I laugh. "I am paying for the ticket, if I even go" I glare at him.

I don't like people buying things for me.

"Just think about who you want to go with" they all disperse. "I'm going home" I get my shoes on and grab my keys. "Think about it ky!" Jonah yells.

I get in my car and drive home. How am I supposed to pick one of them? I'm not allowing them to pay for me.

I get home and sit on my couch, turning on Netflix. I pull up my Instagram and look through my new followers.

I gasp and drop my phone on my lap. Hayden followed me. I immediately block him and look through my feed. A lot of it was fan accounts.

I try to be as active as I can since I know all the fans freak out when I notice them. I'm constantly thrown in group chats, tagged in posts, and have millions of dms.

I pop into a small group chat. Just four fan accounts and the guys. I laugh at everything they were talking about and put on the fosters. 7:19 pm.

Today was a weird day.


I know, I know. It's short. Should I change the book cover? I don't know what to do for it.

Nvm, update: I changed it lol

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