T H I R T Y - S E V E N

17 1 0

4 days

I woke up with Daniel still wrapped around me. I smile, looking at him. I could hear his soft snores. I check the time, surprised he wasn't awake yet. Jack was up, playing on his phone.

"What's for breakfast?" I whisper, trying not to wake dani. "I don't know, want to go to ihop?" He asks. "Yes" I laugh, trying to slip out of his arms. Once out, I grab clothes and change in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and putting my hair up.

"Daniel said five more minutes" jack laughs. I walk to the other room and knock on the door, then open it. "Jack and I are going to IHOP if y'all want to come" I say. They all get up and start getting ready.

I walk back into the room and see Daniel still asleep. I lay on top of him, causing him to groan. "Am I heavy?" I ask. "Not really, just wasn't expecting it" he mumbles. "Get up, I want food" I kiss his cheek and roll off of him. Eventually he's up and we're all in the two cars.

We finally arrive and sit in a big booth. "What are you getting?" Zach asks. "Probably the fruit bowl with yogurt on the side" I say, looking through the menu. "Pfft, lame" he starts pointing at other choices. "Get pancakes, they're good"

I end up getting pancakes with fruit on them. We all talk while eating, mostly random things that Zach brings up. "What about when you're sleeping?" He asks. "Your heart doesn't stop," Corbyn groans.

"Let's talk about something else, please!" Jack begs. "What about you," Jonah turns to me. "What?" I ask through my stuffed mouth of food. "Have you started writing a book yet or you going into journalism?" He asks.

"I started a book," I answer. They all look at me. "I've never seen you writing.." Daniel mentions. "I usually write while I work in the bookstore, I only have a few chapters done"

"Can we read it?" Jack asks. "No, it's not good yet" I say, looking down at my plate. "Oh as if!" Daniel scoffs.

"Okay, fine you guys can read it before I leave" I say, picking off a strawberry. "What's it about?" Zach asks. "It's about my childhood, but it's from my mothers point of view. of course it isn't exactly what she thought, but it's what I assume she thought" I explain. "Wow"

"My parents use to talk about how they met and tell me stories from when they were dating, so I use a lot of those in the story" I add. "Why'd you choose to write from her view and not yours?" Corbyn asks. I shrug in response. I hadn't even really thought about that, I just always knew it was going to be from her point of view.

"Have you seen her since she... left?" Jack asks. "No, but I found her on Facebook one time" I say. "Did you message her?" Daniel asks. I shake my head.

"I thought about it, but if she really wanted to talk to me, she would've searched me up" I explain. "Well maybe she did the same thing as you, but didn't know what to say" jonah suggests. "Maybe" I sigh and continue eating.

"I think you should message her, see why she left" Corbyn says. "Yeah, I'd rather know why" zach adds. "I'll see" I say.

Once we finished eating, we went home. As I went upstairs, jack followed. "I have to tell you something" I blurt out. He looks at me, then sits down on his bed. "I lied to you"

"About..?" He asks. "About Gabbie," I sigh. "I liked her and then I found out she was the girl you were seeing so I tried to back off, but I couldn't and I still liked her until the beach house. Daniel found out I liked her and then he basically black mailed me into kissing him so of course I kissed him, but then everything went crazy! I still liked Gabbie but I felt something with Daniel" I rant, finally taking a breath.

"Slow down" he says. "Daniel made you kiss him?" He asks. "That's all you care about?" I laugh. "Well yeah, I mean you should've told me how you felt, but in no way should he have black mailed you like that" he explains.

"Well, that's fine, it worked out. I'm sorry for lying to you, it's just you're my person and-" he cuts me off. "Are you quoting greys anatomy?" He asks. "Yeah" I laugh.

"I just was so happy that you were happy with her so I didn't want to ruin that" I huff, falling on my bed. "Well thank you, but always tell me things" he comes over and sits with me. "I'm your person?" He asks.

"Yeah" I smile. "Of course you are" I say. "Well you're my person too, which means no matter what you have to come back to me" he says. "Of course I will, I'll see you in four years" I say, getting up and heading downstairs. "We still have three days!" He calls.

Zach and Daniel were watching tv. "Hey" I say, sitting between them. "I'm her person!" Jack yells, rushing down the stairs. "I'm not!?" Daniel gasps. "Well no, Christina was Merediths person, her best friend so that's Jack" I explain.

"Why do you all know this?" Zach asks. "She makes me watch it with her" Daniel explains. "Before him, I was forced" Jack adds. "Ah, now I want to watch it" Zach whines. "Put it on, season one, episode one!" I yell, handing him the converter.

"Oh great" Jack sighs, sitting on the other couch. "This is what we're doing all day" I say, pulling a blanket over me and snuggling into Daniel. "How fun" Daniel mocks.

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