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"Jack" I poke his cheek. "Jack wake up. I'm hungry" I poke his forehead. He rolls over.

I groan and get out of the bed, going down to the kitchen. "Morning" Corbyn cheers, walking past me with his omelet. "Hey wow! You didn't make me one?" I ask. He stops and turns back to me. "You weren't awake yet, also we don't have our pyjamas yet so..." he continues walking to the backyard. "Asshole"

I decide to make scrambled eggs for myself. On the side I had toast with strawberry jam.

"First you wake me up then you don't even make me food?" Jack asks, walking in. "I woke you up to make me food, yet you didn't so here I am" I pour my eggs onto the plate. "Can you share please?" He asks. "Hmmmmm, no" I take my food to the backyard.

Corbyn and Jonah were at the table by the pool. "See I didn't have to make you food" Corbyn points to me with his fork. "Can you make me food?" Jack pokes his head out. "Hard pass" Corbyn laughs.

Jack goes back inside. "Can we go get our pyjamas today?" Corbyn asks. I nod while chewing my toast. "Yay! Finally, I need some pictures for my Instagram and I want to take cool photos like you and Jonah" he smiles.

"I'm gonna go change and go for a swim, I think I left a bikini here before" I get up and clear my plate. "It's in the laundry room, I saw it yesterday" Jonah yells to me.

"Where you going?" Jack asks, he was making himself some eggs. "To change, I'm going swimming" I put my plate in the dishwasher and walk towards the laundry room. I grab my suit and head up to the bedroom.

I walk to Jack's closet and grab a towel, go into the bathroom and change. I fold my clothes and set them on Jack's bed.

"This is a nice view to wake up too" Daniel says in his morning voice. Damn. "Don't get use to it" I grab all my stuff. "I'll come swim in a minute" he sits up and rubs his eyes. "Ok, today is make yourself breakfast and the eggs are going fast, I'd hurry before Zach wakes up" I head back downstairs and into the backyard.

I set my towel on a lawn chair. Corbyn has left but Jonah and Jack were still sitting at the table. "Are you guys coming swimming?" I ask. "I will soon" Jonah answers. "Maybe" Jack says. I jump into the pool and swim to the deep end. I lay, floating while the sun hits my face.

"Cannonball!" Corbyn jumps in next to me. My legs sink back down to the bottom. "You almost landed on me!" I splash him. "But I didn't" he winks. "Guys hurry up, I'm bored already" I whine.

"Daniel was just changing as I came down" Corbyn says. "Boo, he sucks" I laugh. "Fine fine I'll go change" Jonah takes his mug inside. "I still need to finish eating so you can wait" Jack shoves more egg into his mouth.

"We should play Marco Polo!" Corbyn suggests. I look at him. "You can't tell me you don't want too" he sassily asks. "Ok ok, whatever"

Daniel walks out. "Come play Marco Polo!" Corbyn yells. Daniel jumps in. "Jack go change!" I yell. He rolls his eyes and ignores me.

As Corbyn played with one of the pool toys, Daniel came up behind me. He looped his fingers in between my skin and bikini strings. He pulled me back into him. "What are you doing?" I try to turn but he stops me.

"I'm tired of our bet, lets just do it" he whispers in my ear. "Hmmmmmm, nah" I swing my hand back, which are underwater, and play with the pockets on his shorts. His hands were now on my hips.

"Oh c'mon? You'll sleep with Jonah but not me?" He asks. My breath hitches and I try not to fall over. "What?" I awkwardly laugh. How does he know? We never told anyone.

"You said you'd sleep with him because I wouldn't" he allows me to turn to him, although I don't. "You didn't actually do it... did you?" He asks. Oh fuck me.

"I Uh-" I slowly turn to him. "You did didn't you!?" He yells. Jonah walks out the house, Jack stops him by the door and Corbyn awkwardly say on the edge of the pool.

"You slept with him?" He asks, starting into my soul. "It's just that-" "no! You wouldn't sleep with me but you'd sleep with him?!" He yells.

Okay, enough of him being angry. It's my turn.

"Is that all you wanted!?" I yell right back. He's shocked by my sudden outburst. "All you talk about is us sleeping together! So what? I slept with Jonah! I'm allowed to do whatever I want. I'm an adult and we're not together!" I yell, he stumbles back.

"Wait, you slept with her?" Jack asks Jonah. He looks lost for words. Jack turns and punches Jonah square in the nose. "OH MY GOD!" I yell. Corbyn jumps up and pull Jack away before he can get another swing in.

"Jonah!" I climb out of the pool and run over to him. He moves his hand from his nose and blood gushes down his chin. "C'mon" I lead him inside. "What the hell is wrong with you guys!" I yell back as we walk up to his bathroom. Zach passes us on the stairs.

"What happened?" He asks as we continue up the stairs. "Ask Jack" I say.

We go into his room and he sits on his counter. I pull out the first aid kit from underneath the sink. I grab a rag and pour cleaner onto it. I move his hands and dab his nose lightly. "I'm so sorry this happened" I cringe as the rag is covered in blood within seconds. "How is it your fault?" He laughs.

How is he so okay with this?

"Well I did shout it out" I shrug. He flinches at my movement. "Sorry" I mumble.

"Kylie," he grabs onto my wrist and slowly brings my hand down. "It's okay, I'm just glad you're okay" I laugh. "You can't ask me if I'm okay when you're the one who got punched, Jonah!" I whine, going back to tending to his wound.

"I thought if anyone would punch you, it would have been Daniel" I chuckle. He smiles. "Me too"


Once everything was sorted out and semi-Okay, Corbyn and I decided to go out and get our pyjamas.

Daniel and Jack wouldn't talk to Jonah, Jonah didn't want to talk to them, since he was in pain from his nose.

"Let's go in here! They have bear pants" he pulls me in.

We picked out black pants with pink pigs on them, don't even ask why. We got some pink shirts to go with them. Corbyn paid.

"Anyways, I was telling her-" Corbyn was telling me a story about him and Christina as we walked out of the store. "She yelled at me but it was funny!" He laughs. As we step onto the sidewalk, I freeze. He notices the absence of my presence and stops, looking back at me. I stare past him.

"Kylie? You okay?" He asks. "Call Jack" I whisper, not breaking eye contact with the devils spawn.

"Kylie!" The spawn yells to me, walking closer.

"Hayden." I growl.


Ye Ye, we getting to the good shiiii-

I want to end this book but I'm not done with all my ideas and I have no clue how to play them out. UGHHHHH


A Little bit of ShadeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora