T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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"Daniel" I whisper, poking at his cute face. "Daniel wake up" I poke him again, but he continues to ignore me. "Daniel, only one week left until I'm gone" he sits up immediately. "Right, right, Okay!" He looks around while grabbing his shirt. "What are you doing?" I laugh, watching him hurry around the room.

"I have to make this last week count" he says, grabbing keys and standing by the door. "Let's go" He turns and walks out. "Where are we going?" I ask, running after him. "Road trip" he turns, smiling, then continuing to the front. I slide on my shoes as he is already walking out the door. "Where you going?" Jonah asks walking closer to us. "Out?" I shrug, hurrying to follow Dani.

"Aux?" I ask, looking for the cord. "There" he points to the backseat. I lean over, grabbing it as he starts driving. "Daniel James Seavey, slow down" I say, sitting properly and putting on my seat belt. "Sorry, but we don't have much time" he watches the road. I plug in my phone and play the first song I see.

"We have all day" I reply, watching his reaction. "That's not a lot. I need more time with you" he places his hand on my thigh. "You're so cute," I laugh. "we won't have any time if you kill us from speeding, you wackadoodle" he laughs, glancing at me. "That's a new one"

"I have a thing planned" he says, turning up the music. I turn it back down. "What is it?" He opens his mouth. "If you say surprise I'll scream" I add. He smirks. "Well I can tell you where we're going, but nothing more"

"We're going to a camp site" he says, looking at me. "So camping?" I chuckle. "Well kinda..." he smirks. "You realize when Jonah finds out, he'll kill you, and probably me"

"Waa, I'll deal with that problem when it happens" I smirk. "So kinda huh?" He laughs at me. "Don't make that face, I'm not telling you" he says, causing me to pout. "Awe my baby" he pokes my cheek. "You suck" I whine.

"I didn't bring extra clothes" I say, thinking out loud. "Yeah, I packed you some and kept it in the trunk" he smiles. "How long have you been planning this?" I ask. "A long time ago, closer to when you told us all" he explains. I nod and think back to that awful day.

We listen to the radio the rest of the way. It took a while but we finally arrived. Daniel has packed everything, our clothes, a tent, food, and stuff for the fire. He had really thought this out.

"I'm excited" I smile. "Me too" he smiles back, grabbing things and carrying them to our spot. I grab the rest and follow him. "Okay, I'll set up the tent. Can you take our phones to the car? I want it to be just us" he asks, handing me his phone. "Okay" I smile and walk back to the car. I put the phones in the middle compartment and walk back over to Dani.

I set up the fire pit and chairs, along with a blanket to keep us warm. "Done" He greets me, sitting in one of the chairs. "I brought stuff for s'mores" he says, grabbing the food bag. "Yum!"

The sun sets and we start the fire. It was quiet, no one else around and only the sound of the fire. "How long are we staying?" I ask. "Just till tomorrow night" he answers. "We're gonna hangout here until we feel like leaving. There's a lake down the path we can go swimming in" he says, gesturing behind him.

"Okay, that sounds good" I say, thinking for a moment. "Do the boys know we won't be home tonight?" I ask, worried. "Yeah, just don't know where we are" he chuckles, grabbing my hand. "Trust me, I had everything planned" he smiles, reassuringly. I sigh in relief. Jack might of had a heart attack.

Daniel fumbles around with his pocket. I watch, eating my s'more. "Need help?" I ask with my mouth full. "No, I just can't get this" he sighs, standing up. "Got it" he holds out the small box. I nearly choke on the snack. "W-what is that?" I ask, dropping the s'more on the ground.

"Kylie Matthews, I know we're going to be away from each other for a while and we will work it out. I just want to promise you that no matter what, I'll always come back to you. I'll always be yours" he opens the box, showing me the ring. "Oh my god.." I stare at him.

"I promise to be your forever and always" he says, taking out the ring and sliding it on my finger. "Oh my god Dani, I love you so much!" I squeal, jumping up into his arms and hugging him tight.

"I love you too" he laughs, hugging me back. I fall off of him and grab his hand. "Where we going?" He asks as I lead him to the tent.

"To have sex"

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