T W E N T Y - S I X

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It's July 15th, Sunday. I'm currently in a plane in first class, going to see Jonah and his family. Daniel and I have been FaceTiming a lot, talking about random things. Jonah won't stop texting me, asking when I'll be landing, even though I told him 5 minuets ago that I was 30 minuets too.

Jo my hoe: we're here, by the baggage claim.

Me: we who?

Jo my hoe: Svea wanted to come for the ride. She wants to stop and get slushies on the way home

Me: ooo slushies sound good ;)

Jo my hoe: see you in a few

The plane lands, everyone pushes their way off and towards baggage claim. As I wait for my bag, I see Jonah. Him being freakishly tall helps. Me being only 5"5 makes Jonah seem "freakishly" tall.

"Jonah!" I yell, causing people to look. His eyes meet mine and he smiles, guiding Svea through the crowd. I grab my bag and head towards them. "Hey!" I hug him. "How was the flight?" He asks. "Hot and boring" I groan, causing him to chuckle.

"Hello" I say, looking down to Svea. "Hi" she smiles. "So, slushies huh?" We start walking to the exit. "Yes!" She cheers, running ahead a little. "This week has been so boring. I love my family and all but damn I'm glad you're here" he laughs. "Me too, Jack was getting on my nerves" I laugh. "What'd he do now?" He asks. "He was always making a scene and calling me a stupid nickname" I groan. "What was the nickname?" He ask.

I ignore the question. "Oh c'mon! Tell me" I follow him towards his car. "Nope, you'll probably start saying it too" Svea hops in the back seat. Jonah takes my bag to the trunk. "Thank you" I mumble. "I promise I won't say it" he whines. "No no no" I say, getting in the passenger. I look back, Svea had her headphones in.

Jonah gets in and drives off. "Guess what" I say. He side glances at me quickly. "What?" He focuses back on the road. "I finally accepted that I love Daniel and-" I'm cut off. "OH MY GOD!" He yells. "Careful!" I yell back, making sure he doesn't swerve off the road. "FINALLY!" He cheers. "I'm going to tell him when we get back to L.A" I explain. "I can't wait to see his reaction, do you think he will pass out?" He asks. I laugh. "I don't know"

We pull into a parking lot for a convenient store. "Svea" Jonah waves his hand. She removes her headphones. "We're here" she looks up and quickly climbs out of the car. "Yay!" She squeals, running inside the store. We slowly follow behind her. "I think Jack might of had a better reaction than Daniel will"

"What did Jack do?" He asks. "He jumped up and danced in the restaurant" I chuckle, thinking back to that day. We grab cups and start filling them. "I'm sure he will be so excited, he might combust" he laughs.

"I know nervous but I'm also excited" I smile. "I'm surprised Jack was happy about it" Jonah grabs lids and hands one to me. "Thank you" I say, popping it onto my cup. "Why wouldn't he be?" I ask. "Well, what about the time he punched me when he found out we slept together?" He raises his brows. "Oh, right. Yeah what the heck!? Why isn't he going to punch Daniel? Not that I want him too but it's only fair" I shrug. Jonah laughs.

"I don't know, his punch was pretty hard" we go up to the cash. Jonah pays for the three drinks. "You didn't have to pay, I could've" I groan. "Next time we get slushies, you can pay" he winks. "Well, before we go home we'll have to get them again" I dramatically wink back.

"We don't have any plans until Wednesday, that's the baseball game. I got the tickets already" he says. We get back in the car and start driving to his house.

"It's weird for me to be here in Minnesota" I say. "Why's that?" He asks. "My father was a huge fan of the football team, probably still is, the Vikings, even though we lived in Toronto. He always wanted me to go to a Vikings game with him out here and now I'm here without him" I explain. He nods. "I'm so sorry Kylie" he says, placing his hand on mine. "Why are you sorry?" I ask.

"I'm sorry because everything you've gone through is so hard and no one deserves that. You deserve a family who cares about and loves you" he says. Tears threaten to spill. "I have that with you guys" I squeeze his hand. He smiles. "I love you Kylie, not in a romantic way, more of a best friend/ sister way" he says.

"Awe Jonah, I love you too" I smile and look down are our entangled hands.

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