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"Kylie!" I hear someone yell. I roll over, the bed was empty. "Come down stairs, Ky!" Jack yells. I release a demonic moan, sliding out of bed onto the floor. I sigh and go to the bathroom. I brush my hair and teeth. The floor was cold so I robbed a pair of jacks socks, slipped them on, then walked down to the kitchen. All the guys were sitting around the dining room table.

"What's going on?" I ask as I grab the apple juice jug. I pour myself a glass. "We were talking and we decided you're not allowed to stay here anymore" I choke on my juice and start coughing. "What!?" My voice cracks. "Just kidding" they all laugh. "OH MY GOD YOU ASSHOLES SCARED ME!" I yell. Thy all laugh harder.

"Okay, sorry. We actually want to rent out a beach house, it would be on a private beach, for a week. We wanted to ask you and Gabbie to come with us" Jack explains.

"Oh yeah, that sounds cool" I smile, sitting at the table beside Corbyn. "You know Daniel drinks out of the apple juice container right?" He smirks. I shrug. "At this point I don't care"

"I'm going to ask Gabbie, I'll see you guys later" Jack leaves. "What are you guys doing today?" I ask. They all continue doing their own things. "I'm going out with my friend Corey" Daniel says. I look at Zach. "I have nothing planned, we could do something" he mentions. "Okay, anyone wanna come do something with us?" I ask. "I'll come" Jonah adds. "I would but can't. I have a date with fortnite" Corbyn laughs.


I went home to change and get ready. I was now waiting for Zach and Jonah to come pick me up. I think we were going out for dinner then to bowling tonight.

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I go down and get in the backseat of the car. "Where do you want to go for dinner? I said go to a nice restaurant but Zach said Chipotle" Jonah asks. "I would rather go to a nicer restaurant" Jonah smirks. "Wow!" Zach whines.

"Let's go there" Zach points to a random restaurant. "Looks nice" we find a parking spot and head in. "Table for three" Jonah says to the hostess. We follow her to a booth. Zach and I sit across from Jonah. She hands us menus and walk away.

"Have you ever been here before?" I ask. "I have" Jonah says. Zach shakes his head no. "I've never been here either" I flip through the menu.

The waitress comes over and introduces herself. She takes our drink orders and disappears into the back.

"What are you getting?" Zach asks. "Probably the chicken tenders" I smile. "Oh my god, you hangout with Jack and Daniel too much" Jonah chuckles. "It's the safest option" I whine.


"Are we going bowling?" I ask. "Yeah if you still want too" Jonah answers. "Yeah, that's fine. I just wanted to know"

"There's an arcade there" Zach mentions. "We can play games after" Jonah laughs at how excited Zach got.

We get to the bowling alley and all split the price for a lane. Zach decides he's going to put our names up on the screen for us.

"Hoenah?" I laugh. "This is supposed to be family friendly" Jonah whines. "It's fine, you big baby" Zach thinks for a second.

"Ew, you can't put that, we all know it's wrong" Jonah laughs. I look up at the board. Zach put his name as 'hottest guy here'. "What should your name be?" Zach asked. "Kylie" I smile. He rolls his eyes and turns back to the screen. He puts it in as 'Kylie Jenner'. "I actually hate you"

We start playing. As Jonah goes to roll his ball, a large group of teenage girls walk in. Clearly only one of them knew who the guys were, because she ran straight at us as the others all stood back and watched.

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