T W E N T Y - O N E

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• one week later •

The days are going by quickly. It's already July 13th. Friday the 13th. Not that I'm superstitious or anything, I just know a lot of people are, like my mom was. What can be so bad about this day? I haven't seen my brother throughout this week and I'm feeling good, finally picked who to go with.

"Heyo!" I yell, walking into the guys house. No one was around. "What's up?" Jonah asks. "Where is everyone?" I ask, sitting on the couch. He shrugs. "I picked who I want to go with on Sunday" I say, he sits next to me.

"Who?" He turns to look at me. "Well, it was between you and Jack, since Daniels still being a dickwad" he laughs. "But I've decided I'm gonna do the one week there and one week here thingy" he smiles. "Also I'm paying for both my tickets, don't even argue" his smile grows. "Yay!" He grabs me and pulls me towards him. He wraps his arms around me.

"I can't wait for you to meet my family. We can go shopping and go to a baseball game... OH!" He yells. I look up at him. "No one ever wants to go to the baseball games with me, but you will right? Because you played when you were younger?" He looks down to me. "Yeah, sure. I just quit before moving here" we both smile. "It's going to be so much fun" he squeals. I love how excited he is.

He finally lets me go. "I'm gonna grab a drink, want anything?" I ask. "Soda please" I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge. I grab a water and a soda. When I close the fridge, Daniel was standing there. I jump back. "Holy shit! You scared me!" My heart was racing. "Sorry" he laughs.

I walk past him and give Jonah his soda. "What are you guys doing?" Daniel asks. "Nothing" I sit next to Jo.

"Can I talk to you?" Daniel asks. I groan and rolls my eyes, standing up. I follow him upstairs to his room. I sit on Jacks bed.

"I'm sorry" he sits on him bed. "Mhm" I pick at my nail. "Kylie, I was only mad because you said you didn't like him but you slept with him. Now you two are all bffs and I just... I'm jealous" he sighs. I look over too him. "I told you not to be"

"I know, but I can't help it. You two are getting so close, taking cute pictures with matching sweatshirts" he rambles. "Dani, I've told you this before, I like you and only you" I move to sit next to him. "Let's go on a date" he turns to me. "What?" I ask, shocked. "A date, me, you, eating food together" he smiles. "I don't know..." I trail off, looking away from him.

"Oh c'mon, please! It will be fun. Just me and you, alone, getting to know each other way better. I know you're not coming home with me either of these weeks, so I want us to go before. How about tonight or tomorrow night" he grabs my hands and I look him in the eye. He smiles, hoping I'll say yes. "Ugh! Fine, but remember you promised you won't fall in love with me" I give him my best stern look. "I know, I know" he smiles.

"Tonight or tomorrow night is fine with me. What are we gonna go do?" I ask. "Well, go to dinner obviously and probably something else I haven't decided yet" he makes his thinking face. "Well, text me when you know" I stand up and walk back down to Jonah.

"What was that about?" He asks. I sit next to him and grab my water. "He apologized and now we're going on a date" I blush. "Finally, I've shipped you guys since day one" he sips his drink. "Speaking of day one, remember in the car, when you dropped me off at work?" He stares blankly at me. "You said it's good I'm not dating Jack and when I asked you about it, you were sworn to secrecy" I side eye him.

"I Uh- I don't remember that" he stares at the tv. "You know, all you guys suck at lying" I turn to him. "Tell me what you were hiding" I nudge him. "Nothing Ky, drop it" he glances at me. "No, tell me" he rolls his eyes at me. "I won't come with you next week, I haven't bought my tickets yet" this grabs his attention. "You wouldn't" he squints at me. "I would, I can go with Jack for two weeks or even go with Daniel instead of you" I smirk.

"Okay fine, but I won't tell you until you've bought your ticket so that I know you won't cancel on me" he says. I sigh. "Okay"

"Now, lets watch a movie. Your reality tv is boring" I lay back. "Harry Potter it is" he grabs the remote.

Friday the 13th was actually a good day.


So she's kinda short, but oh well. Next chapter is the date so it will be more interesting. I'm running out of ideas to fill in the time before she leaves because not everyday of their lives has something fun going on.

Anyways, thank you for reading
Hope you enjoyed


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