T H I R T Y - F O U R

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We pulled into the driveway. Jack rushes out of the house, running over to us. "There's only a week left and you run off with him!?" Jack asks, pacing beside the car. "It was only for a night" I sigh, helping unpack the car. "There's only 6 days till you leave. You're spending time with me" he grabs my arm and drags me in the house. Daniel shrugs as I look back at him.

"Jack, slow down" I say, dropping the bags by the stairs. "Sorry but there's only so much time" he sighs, causing me to laugh. "You sound like Daniel"

"What's that?" He points to my finger. I smirk and drag him up the stairs. I push him into the room and shut the door behind me. "He gave me a promise ring" I hold my hand out. He grabs it and looks at it. "You didn't freak out?" He asks. I shake me head, smiling ear to ear. "Holy shit" he smiles.

"You're totally and utterly in love with him" Jack laughs. "I am. Stupidly in love" I sigh, falling onto the bed. "I can't believe it" he sits next to me. "I know, it all happened so fast and now I'm leaving, but I think it'll be okay" I ramble. "I'm gonna come back after school and live out here in L.A. if you're all still out here"

"I'm sure we will be, even if we aren't a band, we all agreed to stay out here together since our families are friends" he explains. I fiddle with the ring, looking down at it. "So, are you gonna marry him?" Jack asks. I laugh, but nod. "Probably" I smile.

"What should we do?" He asks. "I'm not sure" I sit up and look around. "We have to make the most of it" he says. "Oh! Let's go to chipotle!" I burst into laughter. "Chipotle? That's making the most of our last days?" I ask. "Well it's a way to start it" he laughs.

After we came home, Jack and I went up to his bed and talked for the rest of the day. We talked about random things, his family, where I'm moving, what will happen when I get back, everything.

"So... Gabbie," he starts, I wait for him to continue. "We kinda broke up" he explains, looking down at his hands. "I figured something was going on" I say, scooting closer to him. "What happened?" I ask, playing with his hair. He sighs, not wanting to explain, but does anyways.

"We didn't click as well as we should've. Most of the time when we hung out, she'd talk about herself. We may stay friends, but dating wasn't for us" he says, his eyes closed and him leaning against me. I continue running my fingers through the curls.

"You'll be okay, there's plenty of fish in the sea" I say, cringing at myself. "That was the worst pep talk ever" he laughs. "I don't know what else to say" I laugh. "You will be okay though" I say.

Daniel walks into the room. "Is girl time over yet?" He asks. "No, but want to join us?" I ask. He sits on his bed. "What are we talking about?" He asks. I wait for Jack to say something, when he doesn't, I speak up. "Well we're onto a new subject" I say. "How's your families?" I ask, knowing Jack already told me.

"Tyler's excited for tour. He lives bossing us around" Dani chuckles. Daniel rambles things that I've already heard. I focus on Jack's curls, tuning them both out. Jack seemed bored so I decided to cut in.

"I think I'm going to come back here once I'm done school" I say, causing Daniel to perk up. "Really?" He asks, excited. "Yeah, I think it's best for me" I smile. "Yes!" He jumps up and does a small dance before plopping back down on his- our bed.

"So the guys are bored and want to go to a party some YouTuber is throwing" Daniel mentions. I look down at Jack, even though all I can see is his mop of curls. "Want to?" I ask him. He shrugs. "Sure, if I get bored I'm leaving  though" he chuckles. "I'll be coming with you"

We all get up and get ready for the party, not that I was excited. I'll be in a crowded hot room with a ton of people I've never met before, not something I'd like to do I'm my spare time.

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