T H I R T Y - N I N E

17 1 0

2 days

Everything was packed up and ready for me to go. I leave tomorrow at noon, which meant I had just over 24 hours left with the guys. We spent the day together, like usual. I basically cried all throughout the day while we sat around, talking and taking silly videos/photos.

The guys pushed back rehearsals so that they could spend their time with me, I tried to protest, but nothing would change their mind. Jack and I were shoving our faces full of chocolate and sweets as the guys played super smash bros.

"Zach, you gotta use the weapons, they're your best option" I say, watching the other guys beat him up. "I'm trying!" He yells, furiously hitting buttons. I laugh, watching his character fly off the screen. He groans, putting his controller down. "You suck!" Jack boos him. Zach flips him off and stalks off to the kitchen.

"I call playing next!" Jack cheers. "Me too" I add.

"Did I tell you I ran into Gabbie the other day?" Jack whispers. "No!" I sit up and look at him. "What happened?" I ask. He sighs, sitting up and turning to me. "I ran into her while I was on a run, we stopped to talk for a little, catching up. She was accepted into garden grove nursing college, just over in North Hollywood. I told her how you're moving and she said she wishes you well," he rambles. "also she's seeing someone named Tyler" he scoffs.

"I'm sorry Jack, I know you liked her" I say. "Yeah, but I'm happy for her... kind of" he chuckles.

"You'll meet someone else, I mean c'mon, you're in a boyband. Do you know how many girls would kill just to get close to you?" I ask, laughing. "I was like that with one direction" I add, causing him to laugh. "I guess that's true"

The guys finish the game, Corbyn placing first, Jonah second and Daniel third. Daniel switched out with me and Jack took Zach's controller. Of course I picked Kirby again.

"I hate when you play Kirby" Jonah whines. "Cause I beat you?" I laugh. "Yeah!" He groans.

We play for a bit longer before I have to go and do all of my laundry. Daniel follows me and sits on the dryer as I put a load of colours in. "I can't believe it's already time for you to go" he sighs. I hand him a pile of clothes. "Can you fold these please?" I ask. He grabs a shirt, folding it. I also help fold while we talk. "I can't believe it's already here"

"I wish I could stay longer" I sigh, making a pile of folded pants. He takes on of my bras and puts it on over his shirt, then continues to fold like nothing happened. I laugh, but continue folding. "we never had the date I planned!" I whine.

"It's okay. Whenever you need me, call. I don't care what time it is or what's happening, call me. I'll fly out there if I have too" he says. I nod. "I know you will and I will call if I ever need you" I smile.

We go back and join the guys, Jonah was making them watch the umbrella academy, but they all seemed into it.


1 day

Daniel had woken me up at 8 just to snuggle and have a longer day. I wasn't too mad. They helped me pack everything into my moving truck. I had to drive 18 hours to my new apartment because I was too cheap to ship it all there and fly.

"I'll come with you and just fly back later" Daniel says, following me everywhere I go. He hasn't left my side all day.

"You don't want to do that, trust me. It's gonna be boring" I explain. "I don't care, I want to spend as much time as I can with you" he sighs.

"Okay fine, go pack some stuff" I say, causing him to run upstairs as fast as he can. "Where's he going?" Jack asks, walking back inside. "He's coming with me, he'll fly back here later" I say.

"What the heck! I want to come too!" He whines. "Only room for one extra in the truck, sorry" I say. He sulks off as I go around making sure I have all of my stuff.

"I'm gonna book my flight back" Daniel says, dragging a suitcase with him and going on his phone. "How long do you plan to stay?" I ask.

"A week?" He looks at me, waiting for my answer. "Sure, that means you'll be there when my mom comes to visit" I say. "What?!" Jack yells. "Really?" Daniel smiles. "I want her to meet you" I smile back.

"Okay, I'm flying out there" Jack says, running into the room. "You'd get there before us" I say. "I'll fly out tomorrow morning!"

"Jack, I'll call you after" I say, stopping him from using his phone. "I want to be there for you. I should be there" he whines. "You will be, but Daniel will too" I say. He sighs, flopping down onto the couch.

"What's going on?" Jonah asks, walking in with Corbyn and Zach. "Daniel is coming with me, he'll be back next week" I answer. "Okay cool, the truck is packed"

"Alright, Daniel lets go" I say. We all walk out to the truck and stop by the front. "I'm gonna miss you guys, I'll see you at the Seattle show" I say, moving to hug Jack first.

"I'll see you soon and I'll call you right after I see my mom" I hug him, starting to cry. "I'm not gonna say goodbye because I'll see you again. No matter what, I'll come back" I cry.

He starts to cry, so I play with his curls, trying to calm him down. I reluctantly pull away and hug Corbyn. "I'll see you soon, bean" I say, tears slipping out.

"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone" I say, hugging Zach. "I'll try" he laughs. "I'm gonna miss you so much" he says, causing me to break down again. "I'll be back, you can't get rid of me that quickly" I laugh.

I pull away and smile at Jonah, wiping my tears. We wore our matching sweatshirts, causing me to cry again.

I hug him, tightly, as he rests his chin on my head. "I'm gonna miss you Ky" he whispers. "I'll miss you too, but I'll see you soon" I say, taking everything in. "You better be at the show, backstage with us and cheering the loudest" he says. "I will" I laugh.

"Okay, time to go" Daniel says, getting in the driver seat. "I'll take first shift" he says, gesturing to the wheel. "Okay" I climb into the passenger side. I wave to the guys as we drive off. "Shit" I start to cry harder. "I'm gonna miss them" I sigh.

"Don't worry, we will all always be in your life, no matter what" he says, placing a hand on my thigh. "I know, I just can't wait for the four years to be over and I can come back"


Okay! It's over :(

Anyways there will be another chapter, it'll explain what happened/happens over the four years and maybe a flash back??? Oooo 🐸☕️


A Little bit of ShadeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora